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U.S. can have 'great job growth' without a recession: Fmr. Labor Secretary

Tom Perez, Former U.S. Labor Secretary, discusses what the January jobs report will mean for Fed rate hikes. You can see the full interview here. Key video highlights 00:10 On the drivers for rate hikes 00:26 On job growth

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 工商经济 / 美国的就业数据太亮眼了。可能这个数据太强劲了些,但是我认为美联储要实现经济软着陆,一直以来健康的就业市场为实现软着陆提供了支持。悲观的方面是过热的就业市场可能迫使美联储进一步加息,乐观的方面是一直表现良好的就业市场为实现软着陆保留了一扇窗。

    U.S. can have 'great job growth' without a recession: Fmr. Labor Secretary

    Tom Perez, Former U.S. Labor Secretary, discusses what the January jobs report will mean for Fed rate hikes. You can see the full interview here. Key video highlights 00:10 On the drivers for rate hikes 00:26 On job growth
    • 不一定能软着陆,但是就业良好至少更有支持。