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India is indeed very good at hi-tech. In 2017, India deployed 104 satellites to orbit using only one single rocket. It was a world record for 4 years.

Elon Musk's SpaceX holds the record of launching the highest number of satellites on a single rocket, thereby breaking ISRO's record. Let's take a

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 和平之路 / 船厂印度化。美国造价5.31亿美元的濒海战斗舰新船“克利夫兰”号在下水仪式中发生事故,与一艘配套拖船相撞 +2
    • India is indeed very good at hi-tech. In 2017, India deployed 104 satellites to orbit using only one single rocket. It was a world record for 4 years. +2
      Elon Musk's SpaceX holds the record of launching the highest number of satellites on a single rocket, thereby breaking ISRO's record. Let's take a
      • 印度人特别喜欢吹这个记录,但技术含量不高。印度一家智库的分析师Ubay Bhaskar指出,印度发射卫星的成本能比别的国家低上60%到70%。但除非能挑战发射更重的卫星,不然印度还是会保持低调。“我们到现在还造不出一个‘体面’的低温发动机” +1
        • The key is not the low cost, but the technical capability to send 104 satellites on a single rocket. BTW I'm not Indian. :D
          • 我知道你不是,在youtube上太常看到印度人吹这个记录了。但88颗5公斤小卫星,在轨道上撒出去,又不要讲究轨道相位,是很容易的事,根本没什么可吹嘘的。印度PSLV-CA约重222吨,LEO运力2.1吨,而中国长二丙/丁仅190吨即可达到2.1吨的LEO运力 +1
    • 早告诉,木头造船不行地。 +1