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‼️Weapons left by the US in Afghanistan reached the hands of Palestinian militants.

Source: LauraAboli
‼️Weapons left by the US in Afghanistan reached the hands of Palestinian militants.

A high-ranking Israel Defense Forces (IDF) commander said that US weapons left in Afghanistan were found in the hands of Palestinian groups active in the Gaza Strip.

A Pentagon report following the US withdrawal from Afghanistan in August 2021 said that $7 billion worth of military equipments given to the previous Afghan government fell into the hands of the Taliban.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 和平之路 / 2021 - Hamas leader Haniyeh explicitly thanked Iran for supplying weapons to Gaza in a TV statement.
    Source: LauraAboli
    2021 - Hamas leader Haniyeh explicitly thanked Iran for supplying weapons to Gaza in a TV statement.

    • ‼️Weapons left by the US in Afghanistan reached the hands of Palestinian militants.
      Source: LauraAboli
      ‼️Weapons left by the US in Afghanistan reached the hands of Palestinian militants.

      A high-ranking Israel Defense Forces (IDF) commander said that US weapons left in Afghanistan were found in the hands of Palestinian groups active in the Gaza Strip.

      A Pentagon report following the US withdrawal from Afghanistan in August 2021 said that $7 billion worth of military equipments given to the previous Afghan government fell into the hands of the Taliban.

      • ZT以色列的诞生,是犹太复国主义者与列强一拍即合的结果,他们趁着奥斯曼帝国的衰亡,在已经是阿拉伯人的土地上创造出了以色列国,这对阿拉伯人来说,就是一种掠夺和侵略
        • 日本人在现代的1942年还对同时东亚人的华人实行三光政策人体实验,德国人建的奥斯维辛集中营1945年才被解放,1948年的联合国同意以色列建国的决定在当时人们的思想觉悟情况可以理解,不管对错它已经是现在的事实存在,纠结无法更改历史决定无意于解决这个历史问题 +1
          • 一般常人是这样想,与时俱进!但哈马斯们不一样,他们信仰真主,非要搞个你死我活!
    • 看看以前的5次中东战争,现在是第6次战争
      • 应该只局限在巴以和黎巴嫩,战事不会扩大到其他阿拉伯国家? +1
        • 和阿拉法特一起拿下诺贝尔和平奖以色列总理拉宾,算是一个好人,老左派👍 但被人谋杀。
          • 以色列左派政府曾寄希望于以土地换和平,阿拉法特也同意了,但巴人内部一部分人就是不同意,巴人的唯一一次民主选举竟然选出了哈马斯。现在以色列人对以土地换和平已没兴趣而是准备好了准备就这样生存下去。部分阿拉伯人想灭绝以色列人,就一直想吧
            • 拉宾是被犹太极右分子谋杀的,双方都有极端分子。英国人代管的时候,就发生阿拉伯人和犹太人互相残杀的局面,英国人左右为难,索性甩锅不干了。一个信真主一个信上帝,放在一起基本无解!
            • 犹太复国运动早就不认可先前的奥斯陆协议了,现在以色列总理就是犹太复国运动的支持者,所以协议早就没意义了,翻旧账为侵略者背书shame on you!
              • 又过期作废一个?还连带耻辱?