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Hezbollah deputy chief Naim Qassem said on Friday that the group would not be swayed by calls for it to stay on the sidelines of the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas, saying the party was "fully ready" to contribute to the fighting.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 和平之路 / 好像以色列最怕的Hezbollah黎巴嫩真主党与以色列已经开打了。Hezbollah is far more powerful than Hamas,all eyes are on Hezbollah
    • Israel is afraid of Hezbollah? That's only an illusion in someone's mind. +9
      • 错!Hezbollah几年前把入侵的以色列给打跑了,Hezbollah都是巴勒斯坦难民营长大的,那个仇恨就不说了
        Will Lebanon’s heavily armed Hezbollah militia join the Israel-Hamas war? The answer could well determine the direction of a battle that is bound to reshape the Middle East.
        • Well, just do it. They will get the consequence. +1
        • 还在做你们的春秋大梦呢…… +5
          • 谁们?脑子里时刻都是TG阶级斗争这可不行。现在西方社会都在关注真主党,担心战争要扩大,只有揉脸一群政治正确忙着标榜人性,而对真实战争不闻不问 +1
    • 阿以战争不是第一次,也不会是最后一次。
      • 揉脸一群政治正确的,现在还在抠字眼引经据典,如果战争发生在自己身上,子弹都在脑顶飞了,最终是一个也逃不了
        • 以色列打加沙是给大陆打台湾做了个样板。。。习大大高兴的看着呢。
          • 打台湾,把台独彻底清除干净了。这是要逼着痘痘们发疯了,前几天看到韩国与台湾都忧心忡忡,看来此话不假 +1
            • 有些人不读书,更看不到这一层,就跟着电视人云亦云。
              • 他们读书是为了站队标榜人性,真实性不是考虑范围
    • 真主党叫嚣要炸美国航母,有这个实力吗❓
      • 哪得问伊朗要东西了,哈马斯这次火箭弹大概率是伊朗提供的
      • 航母杀手莫斯科号 +1