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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!


For the second time we are talking about a patrol ship of project 22160, but not about a ship of "Buyan-M" project, which is a carrier of the Kalibr cruise missiles

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 和平之路 / 乌克兰越战越勇,出人意料地在黑海舰队总部军港内用水雷炸伤了两艘军舰,三天之内两艘! +2
    For the second time we are talking about a patrol ship of project 22160, but not about a ship of "Buyan-M" project, which is a carrier of the Kalibr cruise missiles
    • 不是烟头? +3
      • 乌克兰特工把烟头丢水里了 🤣🤣🤣
    • 这两天乌克兰的毙敌人数暴增,侧面反映俄军趁机加大进攻。
      The russians are facing non-stop military losses on Ukrainian soil. About 285,920 aggressor’s troops were eliminated, 7,427 air targets of invaders were shot down, thousands of tanks, armored vehicles and trucks were destroyed by the defenders of Ukraine
      • 米格29么 真帅 +1
      • 我感觉是引蛇出洞。老毛子本来是龟缩在阵地里防守,还不大好打。这次巴以冲突后,毛子以为机会来了就出洞了,正好被消灭了😄 +2
        • 今天毙敌超一千,是集束炸弹的效果
    • 司机需要些头条啊


    • 黑海舰队早就全部撤离塞瓦斯波尔,母港已经没有有战斗力的军舰了
      • 被炸的两艘是能发射导弹的
        • CNN一周前的新闻,有卫星图片为证
          • 误导,根本没有全部撤离,additional satellite imagery reviewed by CNN shows a number of military vessels remain in that port。
            • 显然那些都是动不了的,要报废了。如果能跑早跑了。
    • 没有美元💰飞机✈武器的支持,司机怎么打❓巧妇难为无米之吹!