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Attacks by Palestinians, including knife, bomb and shooting attacks in central Tel Aviv, downtown Jerusalem and West Bank settlements, killed 29 Israelis in 2022 — including soldiers and civilians — according to the country's Foreign Affairs Ministry.

Members of the Euro-Med Monitor team have documented in this report the killing of 204 Palestinians by Israeli army forces in 2022, 142 of whom were from the West Bank (69.6%), 37 from the Gaza Strip (18.1%), 20 from Jerusalem (9.8%), and five from the Arab localities within Israel (2.4%).

Analysis of the victim groups and contexts of the killings revealed that 125 of those killed were civilians who were uninvolved in any clashes, accounting for 61.2% of the total death toll. Seventeen additional people were killed while attempting to carry out individual attacks (such as stabbings or vehicular assaults), while 62 Palestinian militants—acting either on their own or in groups—were killed in confrontations or when attempting to launch attacks against Israeli targets.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 和平之路 / 【转帖】这一下反击,算不算挖了哈马斯的命根? +2
    • 无论进攻方如何小心,在这种城市战里总会造成平民的伤亡。即便是只有极少数的平民死亡,通过网络的传播,也足够为哈马斯提供反以的素材。 +6
      • 恐怖组织杀害平民,都觉得正常,以色列反击造成平民伤亡,就觉得不能容忍,这是哪儿出错了? +10
        • 首先,觉得哈马斯杀平民正常的都不是正常人,哈马斯这样的恐怖组织应该被剿灭。以色列的问题在于杀人太多,反击不符合比例原则。2014年哈马斯袭击以色列,杀了7个以色列人,以色列的反击杀了2000多人,里面不少是平民 +4
          从以色列角度来说这是collective punishment, 中文是连坐
        • 死在以色列手里的巴勒斯坦人每年都很多,都不合比例。以2022年为例,被巴勒斯坦人杀死的以色列人有29名,包括军人和平民;被以色列杀死的巴勒斯坦人有204名,其中124人是无辜平民 +4

          Attacks by Palestinians, including knife, bomb and shooting attacks in central Tel Aviv, downtown Jerusalem and West Bank settlements, killed 29 Israelis in 2022 — including soldiers and civilians — according to the country's Foreign Affairs Ministry.

          Members of the Euro-Med Monitor team have documented in this report the killing of 204 Palestinians by Israeli army forces in 2022, 142 of whom were from the West Bank (69.6%), 37 from the Gaza Strip (18.1%), 20 from Jerusalem (9.8%), and five from the Arab localities within Israel (2.4%).

          Analysis of the victim groups and contexts of the killings revealed that 125 of those killed were civilians who were uninvolved in any clashes, accounting for 61.2% of the total death toll. Seventeen additional people were killed while attempting to carry out individual attacks (such as stabbings or vehicular assaults), while 62 Palestinian militants—acting either on their own or in groups—were killed in confrontations or when attempting to launch attacks against Israeli targets.

        • 1,死亡比例不同 2, 疯子杀人和正常人杀人还是不同的
        • 哈马斯的宣传对象主要是穆斯林,尤其是阿拉伯穆斯林。这些国家的媒体会忽略以色列平民被杀,而放大加沙地带的平民的惨状。 +3
          • 童靴,现在加沙已经有1万多人死伤了,才7天就这么多人了,不需要放大惨状吧,全球都看到了。你这样说是标榜自己公正且人性吗? +2
            • 犹太人掌握媒体
      • 中国承认的巴勒斯坦国总统阿巴斯表示:哈马斯的行动,不代表巴勒斯坦人民。只有巴勒斯坦人民觉醒了,抛弃哈马斯,和平才有可能实现。 +6
        • 不矛盾,中国不支持恐怖主义,当年恐怖头子阿拉法特去中国好几次了,与中国是老朋友
        • 看来要阿巴斯接管加沙地区了 +1
          • 加萨的老百姓不愿意怎么办?人就愿意哈马斯领导
            • 那就放弃消灭以色列,如果一边炸人家一边要杀死全世界犹太,他这个贫民也是恐怖分子,不符合现代文明
        • 汪精卫在抗战时候发表了不少和平言论
          • 中国政府承认阿巴斯政府为巴勒斯坦唯一合法代表。。。
            • 阿巴斯是中国的省长还是市长?
    • 前几天新闻报道巴勒斯坦人从北面往南撤,路上被以军轰炸死了70多了伤几百。以色列说是难民里有哈马斯,所以说怎么着都是死,总之以色列的话也不能信,横竖都是死,就死家里
      • 被以军炸死?拿走,五毛。 +7
    • 以色列现在的做法大概率是虚晃一枪,引蛇出洞。除了追杀哈头目会坚定执行下去,其它的都是摸着石头过河。现在的看点是谁会掉坑里。 +1
    • 以色列的军力强, 要是100年前, 早灭了巴勒斯坦. 现在比较文明了, 还有欧美盯着, 只能慢慢拖. +1
    • 挺好的, 石要过刀!草要过火!xxxx!
    • 哈马斯的命根在以色列对巴勒斯坦人的压迫,靠暴力即使铲除了哈马斯,很快就会有哈牛斯。 +1
      • 一个哈马斯倒下去,千百个哈马斯站出来,这种暴力做法,没完没了!
      • 当初ISIS也这么说来着。。。。。。 +1
      • CBC曾采访一位加拿大驻中东的前官员,他说“哈马斯是无法消灭的,因为它是一种Spirit..
        • 嗯,奥巴马也这么说ISIS来着;希特勒也这么说纳粹。。。纳粹确实是一种精神。。。病😂😂
          • “”纳粹”精神可以是一种倾向性行为和言论,这坛子里的很多言论都有那种倾向性,好在只是键盘侠,蹦跶不出实际行动。另,我不想和偏激者论道,就此打住。