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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

Quora: Do you have to be an MP in order to become Prime Minister of Canada?

Not necessarily. How a person who is not an MP could become Prime Minister of Canada is this way. The current Prime Minister resigns and/or retires. His/Her political party then holds a leadership convention. This convention elects as party leader somebody who is not an MP. Because that person is the head of the political party that is also the current government, then that person becomes the Prime Minister. However, to sit in the House of Commons the Prime Minister has to be an MP. What likely happens then is an MP in a riding safe for that political party resigns, a by-election is called, the Prime Minister runs in that riding, gets elected as MP and takes his/her seat. Technically the Prime Minister in that scenario could forego being elected as an MP until the next federal election, however unless there’s only a little while to go anyway that would be giving the Loyal Opposition in the House a divine blessing.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / 自由党中有一能人呼之欲出:"he grew up in the North West territory", "very humble roots", "extremely capable guy", "he's very very smart", "a potential successor to Trudeau", etc. 若明年大选Mark Carney出任自由党总理候选人,您会不会投他一票?
    • 自由党的问题不是土豆一个人的问题,是整个政党一起作恶。。。 +25
      • 妥妥的犯罪集团,加上NDP可以去监狱里一起赎罪 +10
    • 我不会。 +13
    • 左党是不会变的,看看全世界的共产党,哪个变右右了? +5
    • 自由党在烂土豆的带领下,烂到根了,整个垃圾党。 +17
    • Carney比智障之首聪明有能力,但更坏。他当加拿大银行行长时说,我的工作就是让人民的生活更难受,包括我们智忧党的支持者。宁要一个又蠢又坏的,不要一个聪明奸诈的,所以支持智障之首继续领导智忧党。 +12
      • 有没有他这句话的出处? +1
        • 自己找找,刚开始提到他可能取代智障之首时,很多关于此人劣迹
    • 好人成不了自由党首领, +6
    • 他不就是花街代理人么?加拿大还要脸么?堕落没底线了。 +4
    • 早换人早脱生,脱胎换骨的脱,重现生机的生。
    • 那个方慧兰和乔美兰怎么处理?整个政党从上到下,属于系统性作恶,塌方式犯浑。 +5
      • 塌方式犯罪了几乎 +7
        • 自由党对加拿大人民犯下了不可饶恕的罪行,必须要清算。 +8
    • 支持自由党。 +1
      • 看来新猪大麻店生意兴隆啊
    • 看来Mark Carney大概率要替代土豆,今天他出席了Liberals Caucus Meetings. 保守党的Andrew Scheer 今天也炮火直接对着Mark Carney,称他是Mark Carbon Tax Carney,说他跟土豆是一样的,Poilievre 接下去要考虑怎么对付Mark Carney。
      今天CTV的Vassy也说,现在关于Mark Carney的谣言非常多,大家拭目以待。
      • 自由党主要问题是领导人不行,Trudeau and Freeland这两个太差,如果换了Carney,可能会好一些,Carney 懂经济,比较务实的。
        • 智忧党会请个能人搞好经济,让人民过的舒服点?这可是严重违反党章的行为噢。 +4
        • 懂经济就可以更有效的开发新税种了,人民更惨了。他的能力越大,破坏力越大,千万看清楚了,人家的屁股可不是坐在你这边的,人家的能力也不是用来给你效力的! +2
    • Carney连国会议员都不是,怎么代替土豆?
      • 加拿大的选举制度都不了解。把他空降到一个自由党十拿十稳的选区,他不就当选为议员了。如果他是党主席,任何选区在值议员都要为他让路。不过我肯定不会投他。
      • Quora: Do you have to be an MP in order to become Prime Minister of Canada?
        Not necessarily. How a person who is not an MP could become Prime Minister of Canada is this way. The current Prime Minister resigns and/or retires. His/Her political party then holds a leadership convention. This convention elects as party leader somebody who is not an MP. Because that person is the head of the political party that is also the current government, then that person becomes the Prime Minister. However, to sit in the House of Commons the Prime Minister has to be an MP. What likely happens then is an MP in a riding safe for that political party resigns, a by-election is called, the Prime Minister runs in that riding, gets elected as MP and takes his/her seat. Technically the Prime Minister in that scenario could forego being elected as an MP until the next federal election, however unless there’s only a little while to go anyway that would be giving the Loyal Opposition in the House a divine blessing.
      • 他首先要 put his name on the ballot to be an MP,然后党内投票被推举为新党魁参加大选。如果自由党推举他替代土豆,土豆很可能会退出政坛并退出自己的选区,Carney正好顶替。CTV评论已经开玩笑地说土豆可以在private sector找个好职位。
        还有,Paul Martin退休了,他的选区也是空缺,需要by election补选。Carney也可以顶Martin的空缺。
    • 骨子里都烂了,换汤不换药,就是演给你看,信你傻啊…… +6
      • 聪明人,这时候是绝不会来趟自由党这滩浑水的。自由党坏事做绝人心尽失,谁上台都逃不掉安省自由党的命运 +2
    • 看看BC自由党的下场。他跟土豆一伙的,大家又不瞎。 +1