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  • 推荐 OXIO 加拿大高速网络,最低月费仅$40. 使用推荐码 RCR37MB 可获得一个月的免费服务

The difference is: you have a CHOICE, between public or private, different company and services. You may be wiling to pay more to get better/full coverage (such as private room, helicope transfer, oversee operation etc),

or pay less for the basic coverage, which is required by the law.

And if someone cannot afford to pay the premium, the goverment is required to compensate you for the costs.

The point is, now in Canada we are paying extra fees for the medical service (do not forget the tax we already paid ), to get the very basic service.

The Goverment gave us no choice and we are forced (by the Goverment) to choose Goverment (themselves) to deliever the service, who has a reputation and history of wasting taxpayer's money in almost anything they do.

That is a conflict of interests. And that is something we should change.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 省府新财务方案,双职工家庭每年将缴纳约1000元医疗保险费,工资越高,交得越多。抗议,抗议。要求公投。
    • 还好。 今年我失业,不用交了
      • I thought you got an offer already. are you an Embedded Software Developer ? here is a link for you.
        • thanks. I have been in the market for half year now. Hopely it will be ended soon. ^-^
          • good luck
    • 。。法克。。
    • how about single? 500?
      • Families with taxable income between $20,000 and $36,000 will pay an extra $300 a year to subsidize health-care costs; the levy rises to $900 annually for taxable incomes greater than $200,000.
        • 看起来是按照每个人的交税收入(taxible income)算的。也就是去掉rrsp和child care等开支后的收入。而且按个人收入算。原文:
          individuals with modest incomes would pay $300 per year; and individuals with higher incomes would pay a maximum of $900 per year.
          • 应该是按个人收入算的。刚转的这个新闻写得不好。
    • (#1729102)
      • 安省新预算案出笼 大掏纳税人荷包(ZT) please got more detail info before making any emotional comments
    • According to "Toronto 24 Hours", $0 for 20K income; $300 for >20K and <36K; $450 for >36K and <48K; $600 for >48K and <72K; $750 for >72K and <200K; $900 for >200K
      • 觉得这做法,对富有的人没有什么,一年750-900块对他们来说毛毛雨,对收入在3-5 万的人打击比较大.
    • 抗议自由党食言。当年用不加税做幌子,上了台就乱加税。这种人没有信用。这样交钱的医疗保险,公有和私有已经没有区别了。我看可以加拿大应该考虑把医疗保险至少部分私有化。实在想不通,为什么单单加拿大公民就没有自由选择医疗保险的自由?
      • do u know how much they pay in US for medical insurance if u r self-employeed?
        • 好像一年三、五百元每人。是不是?
          • 不止, 好像一二百, 如果是EMPLOYEED. 当然公司还要COVER一部分. 不过, 我宁愿把钱给HOSPITAL也不原给政府.
            • well..having a kid will cost roughly $5000 in US, i would prefer pay to goverment to get it for free. hoho
              • having a baby is one-time expense. raising a kid is 18 years task. Averagely you will pay !#@!$% dollars and !#@!$% * 15% tax in Ontario.
                How much times do you visit hospital every year? At least, I never been there :-)
            • 没看懂。“不止”是说比三、五百元高还是低?怎么又说“一二百”?
              • 应该是"每月一二百", 这只是COVER一些最基本的病. 如果要COVER那些大病的话,还要贵. 不过我想得那种大病的可能性实在是太小了.
          • in us average health insurance for family plan are $300-500/month, if you are covered by your employer, you pay $70-100/mth out of your pocket.
            • in U.S., you needn't pay GST
        • Personally I believe Europe model is much better than US. It does not cost that much to have medical insurance (about 100-200 US$/month, and the low-income family can receive free coverage (100% grant) from goverment.
          But overall, you pay much lower tax/fee and you get better medical services.
          • 。。这种模式对加拿大之类的鼓励移民的国家不适合。。
          • The difference is: you have a CHOICE, between public or private, different company and services. You may be wiling to pay more to get better/full coverage (such as private room, helicope transfer, oversee operation etc),
            or pay less for the basic coverage, which is required by the law.

            And if someone cannot afford to pay the premium, the goverment is required to compensate you for the costs.

            The point is, now in Canada we are paying extra fees for the medical service (do not forget the tax we already paid ), to get the very basic service.

            The Goverment gave us no choice and we are forced (by the Goverment) to choose Goverment (themselves) to deliever the service, who has a reputation and history of wasting taxpayer's money in almost anything they do.

            That is a conflict of interests. And that is something we should change.
      • 能不能弹劾政府?
    • 太好了!!!这样跟俺们温屯也差不多了 :-D
      • 。。看你那幸灾乐祸的样子。。
        • 不好意思 :-P
      • 背诗省怎么收法?
        • 好象是单人每月54元,家庭96元,很贵啊,早就不是免费医疗了。
          • 比较公平,跟收入无关。我们这个新法,收入越高的人,医疗保险费越高。什么道理!
            • 看来你是有钱人,呵呵
              • 我收入不高,但超过两万。凭什么让他们免费医疗?另外,真正高收入的大亨,最多也只交900元,totally unfair.
            • 均贫富啊!俺觉得有一点道理,不过增加幅度不对称才更合理。3-5万年薪的是高收入吗?怎么200k以上的就截至到900了?应该让富翁交更多,3万以下交更少 ;-E 看来政府鼓励大家年薪200k以上哈。3-5万的糟盘剥,hoho
              • 你们安省平均收入那么高,让你们一年交几百就心疼了。BC多穷啊,每家一年还要一千多呢。 7!
              • Have you guys ever think that many richese never visit Canadian public hospitals? They have to drive miles to US so they can get fast and better service. The government does not even allow private doctors operating here.
          • 家庭2人的是96,三人以上的是108。
    • 支持加税!
    • LIBERAL在FEDERAL掌权还是不错的, 因为LIBERAL的中偏左政策在国际事务中有便宜占.
      LIBERAL 如果是执政省政府就是大大的SHIT. 远看八年前的ONTARIO, 近看BC. 无不给LIBERAL糟蹋的面目全非. 这次只是开始, 未来四年还有得加呢! 看来要搬家了 ;-)

      VETO LIBERAL!!!!!
    • 请问加了这破玩艺,纳税人因此多了哪些福利呢????俺连每年体检都给安省节约了~~~加税必须有相应的福利提供吧?不能运嘛儿不干只交钱吧????????
      • OHIP里面的眼睛检查,理疗和脊柱指压取消了。
        • :O:O:O 真TMDGS!!!平均主义害死人!!!政府福利承担开销,医生不仅懒散待客,效率低,还大开口提价,患者不会觉得有改善,最后还是加税!没有竞争是没有希望的~~~
      • 增加救济金。
    • Insurance premium hikes, tax hikes gas hikes, hydro rate hikes, interest rate hikes, house price hikes, ...... well, well, well :-( Not so good.
      • wator rate hikes,407 rate hikes, property tax hikes ......
      • 。。renewal driver's liecense都涨价了。。
        • :O:O:O 薪水涨的太慢了!!!!!!!!!
          • 钻电业局去,那里都是高薪族,都是我们穷人养的。
      • Also tobacco tax, liquor/beer tax
    • 去年选举的时候, 我和我们公司生产线上的工人聊天, 他们都投自由党的票, 我当时呼吁他们投保守党, 他们不听. 看来, 自由党就是穷人党, 只会劫富济贫.
      • Liberals protects rich and poor, only exploits the middle part like us. Won't ever vote for liberals from me.
        • exactly.
      • 哈哈, 这次最残的就是他们!!!
        • 同感,我也是这么跟公司的同事说的,没人听啊
      • 真正的穷人党是NDP.
        • 我们之间穷人的定义不一样. NDP是赤贫党.
          • 我同意rudy2000(不公开支持)说的,最倒霉的就是我们这些中间的人。
    • 医疗保险根据收入比例交,听上去好象挺不合理的,又不是收入税,难道富人病多,穷人病少吗?当然收入太少也应该被照顾。
    • 我们家要交七白来块,使我们原本不富裕的生活,更加困难了!!!!坚决支持抗议,谁投了自由党,就抓出来批斗!!
      • 我考,你属于高收入阶层啊,交点就交点吧
    • support remove the cap of 900, let rich contribute more.
    • I have one question about the tax rate,450/48,000 ~ = 0.01 but 750/200,000 ~= 0.004, so it seems quite unfair to lower income middle class, is my understanding right or not ?
    • Have been thinkin 'bout moving to the US since obtained the citizenship but never decided. The tax hike affirms my decision. I don't want to spend 4 years just to watch
      $4000 more out of our hard earned money gets drained down that black hole. Bye-bye canada.
      • 您走好!有空欢迎回来看看:)
    • 光骂自由党也没有用, 保守党上台也一样, 反正政客都是他妈的王八蛋. 放个屁都没有臭味. 这也是民主制度的优越性之一 . 下一次投票, 我在家休息一天.
    • 多交点钱你看看大家都TM不乐意了.这次我跟大家唱反调,记得以前有人评论说,如果老百姓们没能意识到全民免费医疗面临崩溃的前景,政客是不会对全民医疗进行改革的,但是大家显然还对全民免费医疗颇为自豪.

    • 说了半天还是新移民苦,俺就等着抓了拉灯那老头,干脆开溜算了。俺当初看这个麦帅哥心里就很别扭,这四年由他折腾下来,安省估计就变得和BC一样了,36计,溜为上计!!!
    • Um, um, um!!
    • 大家议论一下, 如果去美国怎样,加拿大好象开始衰落了,
    • NDP
      which party introduced health care to Canada ?NDP
      which party modify it to meet budget gap? D.M.
      which party is for working class? NDP.
      • 打死也不能让NDP上台. "which party is working class", 那是口号. 你把好的雇主投资者全吓跑了, 谁给working class发工资啊? 再说了, "working class", 不如说有工会的政府机关的"working class"更确切些. 到时候会有
        年薪9万的垃圾工人之类的. 咱这种无依无靠的"working class", 除了闻闻垃圾工人罢工的臭味, 享受一下TTC罢工时不便的交通... 还能有啥好处啊?
    • 抗议自由党食言!请大家去表达我们的意见。