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Sorry, didn't see this note, voted for PC yesterday... But Liberal? No way. It'll cost my family over $5000 more for the next 4 years(the health tax). I voted for PC in ON pov. election as well and PC

win in this area. I actually like what's Liberals did after they took power and was thinking that next time I may choose them... until the stupid budget pop out.
For Martin, two facts killed him as a possible choice for me, even before he called for the election:
1. As a minister of finance, he said he has no idea about the scandal; he should have been fired if it's true in the first place.
2. A contract worth $130,000 was awarded to his company a few years ago, because the amount is lower than a limit, there's no bid needed. The final figure? Over 100 M! Again, he said he knew nothing about it, because the company is now owned by his son. Many MPs requested a full investigate, but the bill was killed by the Liberal majoraty.

Another thought: maybe we should keep him in the position? 'cause if a new one is elected, it's may be a new hungry wolf?

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 我是拥护自由党的。我在给联邦的企业打工。如果保守党上台,我们部门可能就会被裁掉。这是生死存亡的大事。没有了工作,什么都不用说。并且我现在压力也不大,哪里再去找类似的工作。大家帮帮忙,选自由党和NDP都可以,千万别选保守党。
    • 坑?
      • It is our TAX money paying you doing nothing. Why should us vote for some one charge us high TAX and do nothing for us?
    • 我对你可能遇到的不幸表示同情。祝你好运。
      • 怎么说话呢?我不正在努力拉些选票吗?你怎么知道自由党就会输?自由党那么多优点,很有民族气节,你们就看不见?保守党我怎么看都象纳粹,跟着他,咱加拿大就完了!
        • 别生气吗。我是说万一。我又没说谁赢啊。
        • 恭祝你早日下岗
    • sorry, 正在把你推下火坑。:-( 为了套狼,只好舍掉你了
      kidding 别生气啊
    • 套用车坛时髦的说法,你这叫党托。
      • 就是我自己以小人之心度一些人的想法而已。
        • 是托你是跑不了的,还是招了吧。而且你给柿油党当托,应该叫你“柿托“
          • 小点声,当托就是怕别人知道。你还在这里大声喉喉,拆台吗,你?
            • 抱歉抱歉,一定改正。大家注意啦,Passe不是柿油党的托!
            • 拆你TMD台
    • 没法子,就你工作了,我们好多人还没工作了,压力更大。你总算有这里工作经验了,比一直都没找到专业工作的强多了,你给别人点机会吧。
      • 给了别人机会,自己就没有机会了。你要是她,你会给么?
        • 就是,怎么只想自己!
          • 说话也不留点后路,你第一个帖子怎么说的?
            • 那是说你们不能只想着自己。我吗,情况特殊,可以例外。
              • :D
              • 恭祝你美梦成空
        • 对呀,是他要别人让他的,别人会给么?你不看谁扯起的
        • 其实说实在的,我现在就是吃着esl,linc什么这碗饭的,要是保守党上台我还真玄。不过看着那些什么同性恋、大麻、懒汉、大锅饭党上台我就不舒服。
    • 呵呵,那我更加要选保守党了,你那个职位,你下,我上,您老人家要能上能下
      • 太不象话!
    • 在西方社会,拉选票需要花钞票,您就一张嘴,还想拉选票,面子不小啊。
      • 不是啦,你看前前后后,我(以及所有支持我的人)已经列举了无数理由。不然大家怎么相信呢。
        • 拉选票没你这个拉法,你这个帖子不是支持自由党的理由,是为了保你饭碗而已。
    • 识时务者为俊杰,自由党肯定要下台了,所以现在你要做的事情就是拥护新主子。
    • 我公司的产品, 美国市场占很大部分, 自美伊战争后, 订单下滑很多, 据说是因为自由党和美国关系不好, 严重威胁了我的饭碗. 为了俺全家老小有口饭吃, 建议大家投保守党, 布什和哈泊是哥们, 他当选对我有好处.
      • 看样子我们是两条路线的斗争。
        • 嘿嘿, 你死我活.
        • 不用斗了,今天星报上保守党已经宣布胜利了。
          • 高兴得太早了
    • 不通,布什要下台了, 还是没订单.
    • 说说看你是什么工作?为什么会被裁?虽然我支持保守党减税,但不支持他们乱裁部门。如果你能同意减少些福利,估计可以平衡部门预算,不用裁员。你说是吧?
    • psse(潮流):你说得太好了,把我们不选柿油党的理由,形象地描绘出来了.
    • do not worry, go on strike if conservatice try to lay off you guys, it is easy to say, difficult to do it in Canada.use the power of union
    • 你们这些选保守党的,太一厢情愿了.
      • that is true, too simple..
      • So u r willing to trust someone who have broken their promises?
      • 本来对哪一个党也没有多大的期望。选个自己认为适合自己一点的也正常。但是找出各种理由已证明某党好。就是强加自己的价值观念给别人。深层次或许是自身的利益。
      • 老兄拜托,这里不是在中国!自由党下台,保守党上台天就塌了?只有自由党才是伟大光荣正确?
        • 老兄拜托,柿油党的顶子,可以当个翰林
        • 保守党上台天是不会塌,只是你丢工作的可能性大大增加罢了,只是加元大大贬值罢了,只是你办护照的费用大大提高罢了,只是你TTC的车票大大涨价罢了,只是你父母来不了加拿大罢了。
          • 麦帅哥给咱涨那么多保险俺也活过来了,马上就加税不活也得活,再涨涨TTC那简直就是小CASE啦!但LIAR的党必须滚蛋,加拿大人民不是傻瓜。
            • 哈薄说谎可是有记录的。#1769536
          • 请解释一下,为什么丢工作的可能性大大增加了,为什么加元要贬值,为什么办护照费用要大大提高,为什么TTC车票要大涨价。为什么他的父母来不了加拿大?别在这里空口吓唬人。
            • 不要忘了上一次保守党执政时有百分之十几的失业率,天文数字般的国债,巨额赤字,大笔的军费。他们下台时加拿大经济已到崩溃边缘。
              • 现在的自由党政府依然欠着天文数字般的国债。
          • 你说的听起来象是选柿油党的结果啊
          • 父母不来加拿大,我老婆就没人欺负。加元贬值,我的人民币就升值。哈哈
    • Sorry, didn't see this note, voted for PC yesterday... But Liberal? No way. It'll cost my family over $5000 more for the next 4 years(the health tax). I voted for PC in ON pov. election as well and PC
      win in this area. I actually like what's Liberals did after they took power and was thinking that next time I may choose them... until the stupid budget pop out.
      For Martin, two facts killed him as a possible choice for me, even before he called for the election:
      1. As a minister of finance, he said he has no idea about the scandal; he should have been fired if it's true in the first place.
      2. A contract worth $130,000 was awarded to his company a few years ago, because the amount is lower than a limit, there's no bid needed. The final figure? Over 100 M! Again, he said he knew nothing about it, because the company is now owned by his son. Many MPs requested a full investigate, but the bill was killed by the Liberal majoraty.

      Another thought: maybe we should keep him in the position? 'cause if a new one is elected, it's may be a new hungry wolf?