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NDP's policies are way more reasonable !

Compare and contrast where each party stands on key issues

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  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / NDP's policies are way more reasonable !
    Compare and contrast where each party stands on key issues
    • 你具体喜欢他啥?我要发起枫下投票来看看所有人包括非公民们的意见.
      • 可以投票了,永久居民也可以过干瘾.
      • 很喜欢他呢,可惜他的政纲太可怕了,辩论会看来他聪明反应迅速,很会运用辩论技巧智商挺高的样子,语速快信息多,而且站姿很好,旁边魁党的身体左摇右晃
    • 竞选不能比谁说的比唱的好听,要比是不是Practical, Sustainable。NDP是典型的涸泽而渔。Liberal本来有降低累计国债的资本,却被安省自由党给当骗子卖了。右派的经济纪录也不好,尤其是马如泥。
      • 马如泥虽然腐败比柿油党有过之而无不及,但是对中国留学生起码还是有点小好处的,比方他和赵紫阳签订的学生免税协定,好多人受惠呢!
        • Definitely NOT Liberal !
          If only between LIBERAL & CONSERVATION PARTY, and if I am a citizen, I will pick CONSERVATION PARTY for sure, because even I like NDP, they are not going to win without enought votes, so why waste my voting?
          But I am not a citizen yet, so I pick NDP, for dream.
          Sorry I am not able to use Chinese right now.
      • 不是说这个保守党非当年的了吗?是合并出来的,要看的是它现在的政策而非过去的吧,它就不会从经验中学习亚