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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

Don't be fool by immigrant company. That's their benefit. They false represent immigrants.

In fact, if in new law, the eliqible may come as soon as they what, the not qualified don't need to waste three years and come here, but can't find job, just complain canada government cheat them.
In that case, immigrant company can't earn many. That's why they quarral so strong and seems they represent the majority of immigrant.
Although it's a little bit unfair to already applier, I think they must have law doc to say you accept the explaination of law before you could apply for immigrant. Here, in the benefit of canada, if we already we do wrong thing, why not change before make further. We really don't like to invite not qualified people here. Not only for us, but also for them. Even they come, what's the results. We already have so many jobless. Engineer to labour. ladies to prostitute.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 那个倒霉的卡普兰女士就要通过新的对大陆申请人很不利移民法了,在加拿大的DX们没打算抗议抗议?
    • 来都来了,有什么好抗议的?
      • 应该组织各国申请人围攻各个加拿大大使馆。:)
        • 不是开玩笑,来点实际的,luo bo DX.
          • 有点糊涂,新法对别的国家移民有什么不同么?
            • Many people from other country already protest strongly, you could get it from the news, but I never seen Chinses did it!!!???
      • 可是那么多的同胞还没来呢。象我们公司,好象就我一个中国人,感到多么孤单呀!
        • 由于斑竹一贯对政治的冷淡态度,都没有人对这个感兴趣。唉唉,中国人在加拿大这点地位,都是香港同胞弄来的。。。。。
          • 我准备抗议你们公司只有你一个华人, 我要他们雇我. 嘿嘿 :-)
            • 而且他们说好多公司里的中国人矛盾重重,很不团结,是真的吗?
              • 雇我吧; 保证安定团结!
                • I saw you on the rolia Christmas party, not an easy time for a new comer like me to that kind of party.
                  • same me!
                  • My 2nd time to Rolia events... No big deal, let's talk next time?!
              • 没错,我现在就生活在这种水深活热中,你可能想象不出来,有时还不如国内的外企。(也许因为他们都来自国内大中型单位)
                • 洋人多的单位你会感到孤独.
                  • 真矛盾
                • 国内的单位矛盾更多了, 刚从火坑里出来呢, 哎, 又来到了虎坑前边了:(
                  • 什么是虎坑?坑里有很多虎?为什么?
                    • 这位同学这么较真是为了什么?? 虎坑只是恶劣环境的一种比喻啊, 比喻你知道是什么意思吗?? 考过中文托福没? 得了几分啊? 没通过就再去考考吧
                      • 没有考过中文托福,也考不过。这里的环境并不是很恶劣。
                        • 哦. 是这样啊. 那就好, 呵呵
                        • 恶劣的你没赶上!
              • 没那么严重吧. 我觉得哪里的人都一样,中国人之间有谈得来和谈不来的,外国人之间也一样,有时看到他们之间的勾心斗角也觉得挺有趣, 只要保持一颗平常心就好了
        • 我现在为止还没工作,我要到你们公司抗议歧视,为什么不录用我?呵呵
          • 因为怕你老问WHY为什么。
    • I can't agree more with the new law. If everybody who comes to Canada is eligible, you can't see any complaint on this forum.
      One of my friends in mainland China is thinking to immigrate to Canada, but he was afraid of three-year of waiting time. He'll probably redesign his future now.
      • But would you think so if you were still in China and waiting your interview? We'd better build a road for the later ones instead of ruining it just after we passed it. Do u agree with me?
        • Don't be fool by immigrant company. That's their benefit. They false represent immigrants.
          In fact, if in new law, the eliqible may come as soon as they what, the not qualified don't need to waste three years and come here, but can't find job, just complain canada government cheat them.
          In that case, immigrant company can't earn many. That's why they quarral so strong and seems they represent the majority of immigrant.
          Although it's a little bit unfair to already applier, I think they must have law doc to say you accept the explaination of law before you could apply for immigrant. Here, in the benefit of canada, if we already we do wrong thing, why not change before make further. We really don't like to invite not qualified people here. Not only for us, but also for them. Even they come, what's the results. We already have so many jobless. Engineer to labour. ladies to prostitute.
      • 老兄说话欠妥哟...在这里complain的都是ineligible的吗?
    • 我觉得应该抗议,主要是针对新法有回溯效力这一点。这次修改移民法可以回溯执行,将来也可能修改国籍与公民法,再来个回溯执行,我们这些近一两年来的可就惨了。
      • 那你说,怎么才能让政府听到我们的声音呢?有追溯确实象抢钱。
    • 中国人来的太多产生很多社会问题,限制移民数量是迟早的事。上次太阳报登出来消息就是预兆,好多人还不信,现在作为法律规定下来了。
      • 和其他主要移民国(印巴菲)中国问题不见的多阿?
    • 出于自身的利益,让DX们抗议只怕很难,他们每准正偷着乐呢。加拿大是一个白人的国家,无论经济发展多需要移民,白人都不可能容忍自己成为少数民族。南非的白人就是少数民族,结果把江山都丢了,教训呀。
    • 不是我自私,现在经济这么差,再来那么多移民有什么好处。这几年房租、交通费不停地涨,社会福利却越来越少,不能说和新移民大规模涌入无关。还是先搞好已落地移民的民生问题更重要。

