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Walmart is NOT the same as GM. Let me give you a lesson here.

GM mainly manufactures cars in the US and sells them in the US. It faces high labour costs. It is not economically to build it in china and ship it since it's too expensive.

Walmart manufactures goods in China. It already shifts 4/5 of their work force oversea to a extremely low cost country. Their workforce in N.A. is just sales stuffs. Even so, Walmart does NOT pay for health insurance premium in the US and being sued by the gov't and activist. They are just being CHEAP. Nothing more.

Geez you people, have some economic/finance background.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 早上刚听的收音机, David Miller连任多伦多市长了.
    • 这种新闻应该睡觉前听。等到早上再听,早就变成旧闻了。呵呵。
    • Too bad for Toronto! Toronto will become another Detroit!
      • Numbers and facts don't lie.
        • This link is much better than yours. Yours is the news in July 2005. http://www.cbc.ca/canada/toronto/story/2006/11/08/homicide-rate.html
          • Well, if you see the link below you would know one did better than the other.
            • Not bad, so don't "select" the data.
    • 你作为郊区农民,就不要管了。听am1010主持人把他匾得一塌糊涂
      • He really son of b**ch!
        • 这个言重了点,呵呵。不过很奇怪,主持人对工会也非常不满,说了很多坏话,他们好像不怎么顾忌啊
          • 应该的。 没设么奇怪的,工会确实是西方的一个毒瘤。 尽管50年前是有他的意义。
            • Because you have NEVER worked in a labor intensive job, that is why you do NOT know the pain when capitalists can do whatever they want to their employees in a non-unionized work force.
              • 我天天和各种不同trades工会工人打交道,他们真的很爽,时间短,pay的也不错,工作也不见得多累因为有很多自动化机械。迄今为止,还没有发现哪个工会的人受苦受难。倒是今天听新闻,一多次和未成年女学生发生关系入狱的老师因为工会关系,出来继续当老师
                • Try Steel Worker's Union, or union for people in the textile manufacturing industry. As I said, you haven't dealt with unions for LABOUR INTENSIVE industry yet.
                  • 支持保护他们, 但是不可否认的是他们这些真正需要保护的没有像那些特权的工会组织中的工人一样受到保护!
                  • Hamilton那个钢厂算不算steelworker有关的?他们工作我看起来真的不算什么,比起很多移民干的labour来,要轻松多了。工会工人从事的行业基本上都是LABOUR INTENSIVE industry 里的
                    • Ok I know your logic now. Because other immigrants do NOT have union protection and are working minimum wage. We should get rid of all unions and let all labours just get minimum wage.
                      You are a very cold person. That's all I can say.
                      • If all the unions are gone, the minimum wage will much higher than now.
                        • How do you know? I don't think so. Without union, capitalists have more incentives/funds to lobby politicians and maybe the minimum wage is lower too.
                      • Without unions, our TTC ticket may be only 1 buck. Our electric bill will much less. We will pay less tax. Our newcomers' life will be much easier than now.
                        • As I said again, there are bad rats. I hate them as much as you are. But the idea of UNION is a good one. It is a very simple economic fact.
                          • 共产主义的idea也是good的。很多时候,只有idea是不够的,记住:idea仅仅是idea,它就是个idea,怎么也就是个idea,实现起来是另外一回事
                            • As I said, you haven't met people who are protected by the unions who otherwise would become the very bottom of the food chain.
                              It's not an idea. It's a fact.
                              • But the fact is very bad! You will see the GM, Ford. They are dying , mostly thanks to UNION!
                                • Walmart is NOT the same as GM. Let me give you a lesson here.
                                  GM mainly manufactures cars in the US and sells them in the US. It faces high labour costs. It is not economically to build it in china and ship it since it's too expensive.

                                  Walmart manufactures goods in China. It already shifts 4/5 of their work force oversea to a extremely low cost country. Their workforce in N.A. is just sales stuffs. Even so, Walmart does NOT pay for health insurance premium in the US and being sued by the gov't and activist. They are just being CHEAP. Nothing more.

                                  Geez you people, have some economic/finance background.
                                  • I said you are stupid! You really are! GM planned to have a lot of ways to reduce the high labor cost, but refused by the UNION!
                              • 你怎么可以假设我没有见过最底层的工人?我实在不知道你怎么会有那么多的假设。记住:结论不是建立在假设上的。算了,我不奉陪了。
                                • Simple, because if you are, you will show sympathy to them. You will know that with union, those people can be well off.
                                  本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I worked as a waiter before, that's why now I go to a restaurant, Chinese or Wester, I tip them 15~20%. Because I know how hard they are working and how much they depend on tips.

                                  I also know people who benefit from union who otherwise could get laid off because they are too old in labour intensive industry and the employer can replace them with much younger and energetic employees. And those old people, without the protection of union, pretty much mean that they will become the bottom of food chain earning minimum wage or jobless.

                                  Not everyone is like you or me who are well educated and sitting in an office and rolia while we work. There are still people out there, being protected by unions, working for their living, supporting their homes, building a dream in Canada, who otherwise may be left with nothing.

                                  And of course, I am annoyed by and hate teacher's union or TTC union or garbage collection worker union which make endless demands about salary/benefit increases. Unfortunately this is all we tell the public. Unfortunately it is the bad stuffs which get communicate well and fast.

                                  But after all, I am a supporter of union. And that was one of the reasons why I voted David Miller. I can't say he does a 100% job but at least he is doing something to Toronto after he took office which has been positive in my eyes.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
                                  • 你从哪里又看出我不同情waiter,工人,老弱病残啦?呵呵,老兄,我只能说你太没有逻辑了。你还在假设,生活在假设的世界里不是很轻松啊,同情同情。Again,我的观点是工会被abuse了,很多没有工会的行业更应该被关注,比方很多移民。仅此而已。
                                    • I've never mentioned you 不同情waiter. I only said I 同情waiter. You use 假设 way too much too.
                                      • quote: “Simple, because if you are, you will show sympathy to them” 忘性不要太大
                                        • 否则你又打这个比方干什么呢?不就是说他们也是食物链底层的?
                                          • I want to show you people normally give sympathy to others when they experience others. Otherwise, they always "THINK and IF" others are not tired or free or whatever.
                                            If you see your own post, you use more I see and I think more than me...

                                            eg. all these are you thought only. You have to admit that since you are not them.
                                            • 完全正确, 我和你的区别是,我如果假设,我就说出来"我觉得","我看起来",因为我力求用词准确,而你只不过就是稀里哗啦把你的假设摆出来然后推出结论.
                                              • I didn't see you say I think. Your conclusion is 他们真的很爽,时间短,pay的也不错,工作也不见得多累因为有很多自动化机械。迄今为止,还没有发现哪个工会的人受苦受难. Did you say I think???
                                            • 另外,按理呢,你这种讨论起来就上纲上线,人参公鸡说人cold,selfish的人,我是不想搭理的(不要搞错,我根本不care你认为我如何,who cares),不过今天说的是我比较感兴趣的话题加上我对他们很熟悉(比你熟悉),所以多说几句。讨论到此为止,你自己慢慢玩。。。
                                        • You mis-understood. I said you will show sympathy to people in labour intensive jobs which are protected by union.
                                  • 至于你,继续假设吧,说话的时候再看看镜子,感觉一定会更好
                        • Just a side note, your TTC ticket will never be $1 even without a union.
                          • Just because of Union!
                            • HK has no unions and much more condensed populations, yet its transportation cost is higher than Toronto.
                      • 我只是做个比较不同工人不同行业的不同待遇,您就出了我cold这个结论,哈哈哈哈,你还能看出逻辑?希奇啊,请问你从哪里看出来我说了要取消工会?你和工会打交道多还是我多?我的观点是工会很多情形下被abuse了,不是说要取消,你的明白?
                        • 他们工作我看起来真的不算什么,比起很多移民干的labour来,要轻松多了. Why did you mention this then? I draw my conclusion based on what you said here.
                          And based on what you said, you are a very cold person. I'm sorry. Unfortunately that's the impression I got from all these.
                          • 你怎么就得不出我希望移民从事的行业需要工会的结论呢?你怎么就得不出他们abuse了工会这个好东西的结论呢?你怎么只会从我的话导出一个比较阴暗的结论呢?I am sorry as well, 我的结论就是你是个逻辑不太清楚,比较阴暗的人,哈哈哈哈
                            • All I can say is your are cold and selfish. I already repeatly stressed the fact that I hate those bad rats as much as you do. But after that, I support the idea of unions.
                              • oh well
                          • You are hot ...... and stupid
                            • You are selfish.
              • 我支持通过法律或保护所有劳工的组织, 但现在的问题是有工会保护的已经收到“过度保护“了, 象教师工会, TTC,而全社会必须为他们的特殊利益买单!
                • That's better. Anything can be opend to abuse. But you can't just deny the idea of union because there are a few bad unions.
                  The public only hear negative things about bad unions but the public are not educated where there are also a significant number of workers who really need union protection. Simply look at the case of walmart.
                  • I strongly support walmart!!!! Malmart will be dead if it allows Union!! The whole society will pay for the high rpice, which will make the poor evrn poorer!
                    • Wal-mart will not bad dead because of union. Take a look at their financial statement. See how much they are pocketing.
                      Wal-mart's success is not from its HR strategy, it is from their innovative distribution technology with no inventory sitting in intermediate warehouses. Just read a case of how cheap wal mart is and how many law suits they are facing in the US on labour dispute.

                      The bottom line, they can afford it, they just choose not to because they want the profit, nothing more than some cheap bastard setting up sweat shop in coastal cities in China and refuse to pay wages.
                      • But its NON-UNION policy is very important for its success.
                        • No. Pick up a book on walmart, any book, you will learn how and why it is so successful. It's from its innovative supply chain mgmt system. Even today, no one can match walmart's efficiency in supply chain mgmt.
                          • That is because no UNION in its supply chain. If there was, it is not possibel to be efficient
                            • This is the biggest joke I've read. I'm not going to give you a lesson about supply chain mgmt. Get a book about walmart.
        • Too bad. You may consider moving to AB where HARPER and Torris rule. Edmonton has the highest crime rate in Canada.
          • You are very strange. It doesn't mean I have to move to the west if only I think Conservatives' policy is better. The crime rate is going up after Miller came into power.
            • No really. If so how do you explain the highest crime rate in Edmonton and AB? And after HAPAR took power crime rate has gone much higher nationawide.
              • just like what you believe the good economy is nothing to do with Harbor.
                • OF COURSE NOT. He inherited a huge surplus. What he has been doing so far is being a puppet of BUSH, getting blamed by Canadians and the international community, hursting the relationship with China.... Pretty much a JERK.
                  • I agree with you at this point.
                    • Thanks.
    • 俺门密市老市长又以绝对优势胜出,这届任期满时她老人家都90岁了,佩服之至.
      • 经过2次交通事故,老市长这马路杀手终于低头了,同意配专职司机替她开车。我现在也敢在市府大楼周围溜达了,以前在那里,见到老太太开车就躲得远远的。。。
        • 哈哈,我怎么记得她是被撞啊
          • 她开车撞树(自己说是因为打手机),吃了Ticket,扣没扣点不晓得。。。