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这里是原文出处 -- 没想到省长有的下属比他多挣70%(27万多)

Public Sector Salary Disclosure for 2006: http://www.fin.gov.on.ca/english/publications/salarydisclosure/2007/

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 安省总理2006年收入为$158,309.46, 税前福利为$282.24
    安省总理Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty 2006年收入为$158,309.46, 税前福利(
    taxable benefit)为$282.24.

    • 这里是原文出处 -- 没想到省长有的下属比他多挣70%(27万多)
      Public Sector Salary Disclosure for 2006: http://www.fin.gov.on.ca/english/publications/salarydisclosure/2007/
      • $270k在政府是VP/CIO的级别。
        • yes, i am talking about CCIOs or CXO type. that's part of the reason why MPs wanted to raise their own salaries. btw, the top salaries here are much higher than those in the US state gov't.
    • compare to him, my boss does not worth that much.
    • 安省总理???现在不兴说省长这词儿了?
    • 想当年为了拯救亚省的经济, 保守党的省长Klein上台之初从自己开始减工资,省出钱来减税. 亚省才能脱胎换骨.而安省的经济虽然没有当年亚省那么差,但也是在走下坡路.自由党上台后,先加健保税,医疗未见改进可政府给自己加了25%的工资.