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please don't mix up green house gases with co2, the latter is only one kind of the various green house gases.

Greenhouse gases are components of the atmosphere that contribute to the Greenhouse effect. Some greenhouse gases occur naturally in the atmosphere, while others result from human activities such as burning of fossil fuel and coal. Greenhouse gases include water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and ozone.

and don't treat Inconvenient Truth like a global warming bible, it has some intriguring facts, but please take it like GOre's own Documentory Movie.

Misleading people "Inconvenient Truth" = "The bible of Fighting Global warming" is harmful to understand the real issue.

Just can't help pointing this out.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 历史要前进,人类要发展。碗筷饭菜,是为今人而设的,有愿为燧人氏以前之民者,减排嘛,就请他吃生肉;反对物质文明的,自然更应该不使他衔冤坐汽车。再论所谓气温变暖问题。
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛前言:民国的通礼是鞠躬,但若有人以为不对的,就独使他磕头。民国的法律是没有笞刑的,倘有人以为肉刑好,则这人犯罪时就特别打屁股。碗筷饭菜,是为今人而设的,有愿为燧人氏以前之民者,就请他吃生肉;再造几千间茅屋,将在大宅子里仰慕尧舜的高士都拉出来,给住在那里面;反对物质文明的,自然更应该不使他衔冤坐汽车。这样一办,真所谓“求仁得仁又何怨”,我们的耳根也就可以清净许多罢。-鲁迅《论“费厄泼赖”应该缓行》




    历史总是在前进的,人类也总是向前发展的。人类是进化的胜利者。在漫长的人类发展史上,天要下雨,人就不懂得打伞么。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 这些人不遗余力地宣传CO2造成全球变暖是有经济目地的.因为CO2的大户是能源和汽车工业,都是有钱人.据说, GORE自己就在几家”新能源”公司里有股分.水蒸气是比CO2多得多的Greenhouse Gas. 疟疾在非洲杀死的人比全球变暖而死的人多得多.可反水蒸气和疟疾是无利可图….
      • See what your beloved CNN says : Scientists: Humans 'very likely' cause global warming
      • Is this unreal?
      • please don't mix up green house gases with co2, the latter is only one kind of the various green house gases.
        Greenhouse gases are components of the atmosphere that contribute to the Greenhouse effect. Some greenhouse gases occur naturally in the atmosphere, while others result from human activities such as burning of fossil fuel and coal. Greenhouse gases include water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and ozone.

        and don't treat Inconvenient Truth like a global warming bible, it has some intriguring facts, but please take it like GOre's own Documentory Movie.

        Misleading people "Inconvenient Truth" = "The bible of Fighting Global warming" is harmful to understand the real issue.

        Just can't help pointing this out.
        • The point is if Global Warming is caused by Greenhouse effect. And the vast majority of greenhouse gas is water evaporation. Isn’t it odd that GORE wants to stop Global Warming by only attacking CO2 ?