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Somebody's Son 虽然歌手Aaron Lines声称是咱赞扬不知名的加拿大士兵 who had died trying to make this world better for all of us. 还捐献所得给老兵们。但是他写出了战争的可恶和没有人性,在我看来,这是一首反战歌曲。

I was watching the news tonight
Anchor man said there was a fight
And a young man died from his wounds
They showed pictures of the battle
And I almost turned the channel
Like I always seem to do

Then it hit me like a freight train coming through (that’s)

Somebody’s son
Somebody’s husband
Somebody’s everything
Out there Someone’s coming undone
It made me wonder if anyone really wins
When every war has to be won
Somebody’s son

I walked down the hall to check
On my youngest lying in bed
And I stood there watching him sleep
I tried but I couldn’t imagine
How it would feel if something happened
And I didn’t have him here with me

Then I cried for that dead boy and his family (cause he’s)

Somebody’s son
Somebody’s husband
Somebody’s everything
Out there Someone’s coming undone
It made me wonder if anyone really wins
When every war has to be won with
Somebody's son

music =〉

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / Somebody's Son 虽然歌手Aaron Lines声称是咱赞扬不知名的加拿大士兵 who had died trying to make this world better for all of us. 还捐献所得给老兵们。但是他写出了战争的可恶和没有人性,在我看来,这是一首反战歌曲。
    I was watching the news tonight
    Anchor man said there was a fight
    And a young man died from his wounds
    They showed pictures of the battle
    And I almost turned the channel
    Like I always seem to do

    Then it hit me like a freight train coming through (that’s)

    Somebody’s son
    Somebody’s husband
    Somebody’s everything
    Out there Someone’s coming undone
    It made me wonder if anyone really wins
    When every war has to be won
    Somebody’s son

    I walked down the hall to check
    On my youngest lying in bed
    And I stood there watching him sleep
    I tried but I couldn’t imagine
    How it would feel if something happened
    And I didn’t have him here with me

    Then I cried for that dead boy and his family (cause he’s)

    Somebody’s son
    Somebody’s husband
    Somebody’s everything
    Out there Someone’s coming undone
    It made me wonder if anyone really wins
    When every war has to be won with
    Somebody's son

    music =〉
    • 战争是可恶以及没人性,但是敌人更可恶更没人性
      • 可恶的战争是一部分人类肉体消灭另一部分人类,没人性的“敌人”战争却是消灭不了的。美国推翻了窝藏恐怖袭击的凶手的政权,隐蔽在阿富汗的敌人消灭了吗?加拿大大兵的献身,试图通过战争解决问题,死得是否值得?读过22条军规,那场正义的反法西斯战争也是荒谬

        歌手说 每次战争都要(牺牲)某人的儿子,决出一个胜负,他在怀疑:难道真的有谁赢了吗?

        • 六十年前,在纳粹集中营中排在通向煤气室的囚徒懂得反法西斯战争的正义性.几年前,由于没有男性陪伴上街被塔里班以石刑处死的阿富汗女子知道加拿大大兵牺牲的意义对于由于不从于乌代而被狼狗撕成碎片的伊拉克姑娘, 伊拉克战争不只是打击布什的工具.
        • 抗日战争荒谬吗?