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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛从去年四月初入读成人高中,今年9月升入12年级了。最难的就是英语。今天发下小说部分的单元考试结果,掂掂份量,那昨天冒号之类的小测试就是不值一提的小Case啦。

小说学的是名著“1984” - 乔治.奥维尔1944年写的“未来文学”,预测四十年后(1984年)全世界国家分成三大势均力敌的极权块,都处于恐怖主义独裁下,而英国则在一个叫作“英社党”的控制中。

考试有两部分组成,前半部分是用段落写定义、主题、象征加上人物分析等,总分为45;后半部分是In Class Writing (当堂作文),总分为6。我一般力求前半部分多拿分,当场作文总是没把握的。

一拿到老师花了一个长周末批阅的考卷,我的老花镜就摘下了,刷刷用铅笔计算得分:(39/45+4.5/6) = ?

啊? 哇 ~ 我的眼睛放光,我的嘴巴张大,80.9也,不敢相信,再算。。真的也~ 我立马埋头偷笑,继而又觉得这样的幸福不让别人分享岂不自私,于是仰首作无声狂笑状 - 哈哈哈哈哈~ 连连振臂三次,Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!


我赶快把耳朵边的嘴角拉回来,看老师的评语,评语不错,不看了。偶几乎等不住地重读自己的作文,不读倒算了,一读,更呆了!这么好的当堂作文!是我写的吗?于是,心里忍不住自夸起来:好~ 相当好~ 怎么会这么好,是我写的吗?简直不相信哦!

放学回家的路上,心情超级开心,等Sky Train的时候,不由自主地对每个陌生人都微笑,发现人家回笑的眼光有点诧异,才意识到自己的失态:干吗啦你,要乐就偷着乐,人家还以为你是 Idiot 呢!

回家后,把这篇作文重新输入电脑,一边打字,一边有点悲哀,以后再也不会临场发挥这么充分这么超常了~ 自从11年级开始,英语这门学科还没拿过75分呢。上个单元短篇小说考试,只有64分 :-(


Personal Relationships are replaced by Devotion to the Party

The Manipulation of personal relationship is one of the means for a dictatorship to keep its power. In the novel of 1984, written by George Orwell, a husband and his wife are the tools to produce more members for the Party; children are taught as spies to their parents. Moreover, there is no friendly or privacy conversation between colleagues. The personal relationships are placed by devotion to the Party.

The basic foundation of a family is the love between the couple; however, with a perfect propaganda carried by the Party, the love feeling is dismissed in the family. The Party educates young people that “sexual intercourse is (was) to be looked on as a slightly disgusting minor operation(.)”; meanwhile, the party forces a new concept of the purpose of sexuality – to make a future party member. In this case, the marriage and love loss their original meaning and far away from human being’s natural instinct. By doing so, the Party is able to transfer people’s desire of love into “War fever and leader worship.”

Not only the couple is the victim to the Party, so are the children, who look as the hope to the Party for future dictatorship. Therefore, to alter the relationship between parents and their kids is another important task to the Party. The children are educated to anti-sex, loyalty to the Party. They are equipped by most advantage tool, which can be installed in the keyhole of the bedrooms. Mr. Parson, though he is proud of kids children’s loyalty to the Party, is arrested by thought police. His own daughter and son, who are listening to Parson’s speech in his dream, convince the evidence of his crime. The party takes away children’s respect to their parents, and makes children’s non-doubtful faith to the dictatorship. With this “education” technique, the Party is in a hope of being capable to maintain its oligarch regime forever.

Since the family image and structure are tortured by the Party, the personal friendship between colleagues is coldhearted as well. In fact, there is no one who can be trusted as a “friend”. The Party invents “collective” activities to keep eyes on every one. Any Privacy conversation will cause the suspicion by “tele-screen” or though police. Eventually, Party is able to control its party members physically and psychologically. What the people can talk to and trust is only the Party.

It is no doubt that the Party succeeds in 1984 to alter the personal relationship into the hatred to the Party’s enemy and the worship to the Party itself, though it is against human nature and freedom. To destroy any relationship between individuals is to set up an unshakable relationship between individuals (who are ruled by the Party) and the Party.

把个人奉献给党 - 替代一切人际关系


家庭的基础是夫妻之间的爱;然而,在党的精湛的宣传下,爱的感觉在家中已经荡然无存。党教导年轻人:“性交是一种令人厌恶的低下的操作”;同时,党把新概念强力灌输到夫妻之间性交的目的 - 为党,制造未来的党员。在这种情况下,家庭和爱情失去了原先的意义,人类的天性被扭曲。党,因而能将人们对爱的渴望本能转化成为“对战争的狂热和对领袖的崇拜。”

不仅仅夫妻是党的牺牲品,儿童作为党在将来的希望,也逃不出党的摧残。因此,改变父母与他们孩子们关系,是党的另一重要任务。党教育孩子们从小就反对男女之间的情爱和性爱,忠诚于党。他们还被配备了最先进的工具和设施,其中之一的窃听器能安装在卧室的钥匙孔中。帕森先生是党的忠实信徒,虽然他为自己孩子对党的忠诚感到骄傲,然而,他就是因为孩子们的出卖而被思想警察被捕,送进了监狱 - 他的亲生女儿和儿子,偷听到父亲睡梦中的反党言论,确认他们父亲犯了思想罪。党就是这样掠走了儿童们对父母的尊重,使孩子们对党无限忠诚。采用这一“教育”手法,党希望它能有能力永远维持它的一党专政体制。


毫无疑义,在小说1984中,党成功地改变了人际关系,虽然这种改变违背了人类的本性和自由 - 但是,它成功地把人们的感情转移到对党的敌人之切骨仇恨,转移为对党的无限狂热忠诚。摧毁任何私人关系的目的,就是为了在党和每个被统治的个人之间,建立一个不可动摇的关系。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 枫下家园 / 金秋年华 / 这篇作文真是我写的吗?好的难以相信哦~
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛从去年四月初入读成人高中,今年9月升入12年级了。最难的就是英语。今天发下小说部分的单元考试结果,掂掂份量,那昨天冒号之类的小测试就是不值一提的小Case啦。

    小说学的是名著“1984” - 乔治.奥维尔1944年写的“未来文学”,预测四十年后(1984年)全世界国家分成三大势均力敌的极权块,都处于恐怖主义独裁下,而英国则在一个叫作“英社党”的控制中。

    考试有两部分组成,前半部分是用段落写定义、主题、象征加上人物分析等,总分为45;后半部分是In Class Writing (当堂作文),总分为6。我一般力求前半部分多拿分,当场作文总是没把握的。

    一拿到老师花了一个长周末批阅的考卷,我的老花镜就摘下了,刷刷用铅笔计算得分:(39/45+4.5/6) = ?

    啊? 哇 ~ 我的眼睛放光,我的嘴巴张大,80.9也,不敢相信,再算。。真的也~ 我立马埋头偷笑,继而又觉得这样的幸福不让别人分享岂不自私,于是仰首作无声狂笑状 - 哈哈哈哈哈~ 连连振臂三次,Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!


    我赶快把耳朵边的嘴角拉回来,看老师的评语,评语不错,不看了。偶几乎等不住地重读自己的作文,不读倒算了,一读,更呆了!这么好的当堂作文!是我写的吗?于是,心里忍不住自夸起来:好~ 相当好~ 怎么会这么好,是我写的吗?简直不相信哦!

    放学回家的路上,心情超级开心,等Sky Train的时候,不由自主地对每个陌生人都微笑,发现人家回笑的眼光有点诧异,才意识到自己的失态:干吗啦你,要乐就偷着乐,人家还以为你是 Idiot 呢!

    回家后,把这篇作文重新输入电脑,一边打字,一边有点悲哀,以后再也不会临场发挥这么充分这么超常了~ 自从11年级开始,英语这门学科还没拿过75分呢。上个单元短篇小说考试,只有64分 :-(


    Personal Relationships are replaced by Devotion to the Party

    The Manipulation of personal relationship is one of the means for a dictatorship to keep its power. In the novel of 1984, written by George Orwell, a husband and his wife are the tools to produce more members for the Party; children are taught as spies to their parents. Moreover, there is no friendly or privacy conversation between colleagues. The personal relationships are placed by devotion to the Party.

    The basic foundation of a family is the love between the couple; however, with a perfect propaganda carried by the Party, the love feeling is dismissed in the family. The Party educates young people that “sexual intercourse is (was) to be looked on as a slightly disgusting minor operation(.)”; meanwhile, the party forces a new concept of the purpose of sexuality – to make a future party member. In this case, the marriage and love loss their original meaning and far away from human being’s natural instinct. By doing so, the Party is able to transfer people’s desire of love into “War fever and leader worship.”

    Not only the couple is the victim to the Party, so are the children, who look as the hope to the Party for future dictatorship. Therefore, to alter the relationship between parents and their kids is another important task to the Party. The children are educated to anti-sex, loyalty to the Party. They are equipped by most advantage tool, which can be installed in the keyhole of the bedrooms. Mr. Parson, though he is proud of kids children’s loyalty to the Party, is arrested by thought police. His own daughter and son, who are listening to Parson’s speech in his dream, convince the evidence of his crime. The party takes away children’s respect to their parents, and makes children’s non-doubtful faith to the dictatorship. With this “education” technique, the Party is in a hope of being capable to maintain its oligarch regime forever.

    Since the family image and structure are tortured by the Party, the personal friendship between colleagues is coldhearted as well. In fact, there is no one who can be trusted as a “friend”. The Party invents “collective” activities to keep eyes on every one. Any Privacy conversation will cause the suspicion by “tele-screen” or though police. Eventually, Party is able to control its party members physically and psychologically. What the people can talk to and trust is only the Party.

    It is no doubt that the Party succeeds in 1984 to alter the personal relationship into the hatred to the Party’s enemy and the worship to the Party itself, though it is against human nature and freedom. To destroy any relationship between individuals is to set up an unshakable relationship between individuals (who are ruled by the Party) and the Party.

    把个人奉献给党 - 替代一切人际关系


    家庭的基础是夫妻之间的爱;然而,在党的精湛的宣传下,爱的感觉在家中已经荡然无存。党教导年轻人:“性交是一种令人厌恶的低下的操作”;同时,党把新概念强力灌输到夫妻之间性交的目的 - 为党,制造未来的党员。在这种情况下,家庭和爱情失去了原先的意义,人类的天性被扭曲。党,因而能将人们对爱的渴望本能转化成为“对战争的狂热和对领袖的崇拜。”

    不仅仅夫妻是党的牺牲品,儿童作为党在将来的希望,也逃不出党的摧残。因此,改变父母与他们孩子们关系,是党的另一重要任务。党教育孩子们从小就反对男女之间的情爱和性爱,忠诚于党。他们还被配备了最先进的工具和设施,其中之一的窃听器能安装在卧室的钥匙孔中。帕森先生是党的忠实信徒,虽然他为自己孩子对党的忠诚感到骄傲,然而,他就是因为孩子们的出卖而被思想警察被捕,送进了监狱 - 他的亲生女儿和儿子,偷听到父亲睡梦中的反党言论,确认他们父亲犯了思想罪。党就是这样掠走了儿童们对父母的尊重,使孩子们对党无限忠诚。采用这一“教育”手法,党希望它能有能力永远维持它的一党专政体制。


    毫无疑义,在小说1984中,党成功地改变了人际关系,虽然这种改变违背了人类的本性和自由 - 但是,它成功地把人们的感情转移到对党的敌人之切骨仇恨,转移为对党的无限狂热忠诚。摧毁任何私人关系的目的,就是为了在党和每个被统治的个人之间,建立一个不可动摇的关系。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • advantage tool?什么意思?这还叫好的难以置信?
      • 啊?抄错了。原本应该是advanced tool-先进的工具,可是回家打字输入错了。谢谢提醒,可惜不能改了。
    • Wonderful!
      • 谢谢鼓励,问候乡下人~
    • 非常好。如果发表,建议把标题改为 “All Devoted to the Party“ -《把一切献给党》。卉大姐的思想境界与英语水平都成长了不少。
      • 好主意,翻译的时候只是偷着乐,快着写,没有深思熟虑,好,一件非常好~,只能在我电脑里改了,这个帖子无法重新编辑了
    • 作文没看懂,但你作文的作文很生动活泼,活脱脱!
      • 那俺的英语还没表达清楚?后面的英语翻译就不是“活脱脱”啦,也有一本正经的时候。谢谢顶贴~
    • 绝对的佩服!
      • 更绝对的加油~ :-D