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让我想起The Matrix 1 里的对白。这里是原话。

I'd like to share
a revelation that I've had...
during my time here.
It came to me when I tried
to classify your species.
I realized that you're
not actually mammals.
Every mammal
on this planet...
instinctively develops
a natural equilibrium
with the surrounding
but you humans do not.
You move to an area
and you multiply...
and multiply until every
natural resource is consumed.
The only way you can survive
is to spread to another area.
on this planet
that follows
the same pattern.
Do you know what it is?
A virus.
Human beings are a disease,
a cancer of this planet.
You are a plague,
and we...are the cure.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 为何最近听不到鼓吹全球变暖了?1. 全球在急剧变冷:过去一年里面,全球温度下降了0.65到0.75摄氏度。2.Gore的资产这几年从100万增长到了1亿,100倍!

    可惜的是,这几十上百亿花在CO2上的钱并没有减少CO2的排放.而今年,气象组织宣布, 全球在急剧变冷:过去一年里面,全球温度下降了0.65到0.75摄氏度. 气象学家认为这是太阳活动减弱造成的. 从北美到欧洲到东亚,都有更多的无家可归者被冻死.本来浪费在CO2上的税款,如能用在Shelter上也许能救活他们中的一些人.

    • 闹剧??拜托用下大脑。Gore从大学就开始搞环保,这仲艰辛努力不是你等这种功利之人可以理解的。
      • 如果20,30年前Gore就搞天气变化,那他一定是鼓吹全球变冷,那是当时流行的.其实,变冷变暖,对Gore等人都木关系.他们要的是有一个理由来让各国政府花钱在他们想的地方.Gore是右派们最爱的左左:平庸,虚伪加渴望眼球.抽起来带劲
        • 他从哈佛时代开始搞环保不等于当时开始宣传全球暖化。全球暖化是大多数科学假赞同的证据确凿的观点,有小众在那边鼓噪其他观点也改变不了事实。
          • 阅读理解能力只有小学二年级, 除了狂热别无一用.
            • 狂热留给我,别无一用回送给你。
      • “温室效应” & 太阳周期性变化。二者都不能进行严格科学证明。这就给Gore们留下很多操 作余地。
    • Brovo. This can be put on 论坛导读. The denial machine will never accept the fact of globle warming nor do their political supporters. The reality is GORE had more than 1亿 when BUSH stole the election, and the OIL riches are getting richier ever.
      One cold winter would not change the reality of globle warming... Have a good time in the AB oil sands...
      • No sure if you read the article before opening your mouth. BTW it is bravo rather than brovo.
        • I did, Baby. It just doesn’t make any sense. Denial machine is solely funded by the oil industry (BUSH’s family and Harper’s friends) and desperately trying every way to hold their position. BTW, find out what Brovo means will make you thrilled.
          • Hi, Calgarian, don't get stumbled, speak out for yourself
            And I hope you really enjoy this CO2-generating industry
            • BROVO!!!
              • Don’t try to change the subject. The matter is CO2 level remains this year but the temperature drops. Is that another piece of evidence that CO2 is not the prominent factor for the temperature rise? People know that, Gore knows that too.
                • Enjoy the fresh air in the oil sands, Baby...
                  • In fact, Calgary has been ranked the most sanitary city in the world by Mercer several years in a row. Regardless, u r in no position looking down on oilsand. Without it, Canadian economy will collapse, so will the Canadian dollar.
                    • Canada doesn't depend on the dirty oil sands but Harper, BUSH, their friends and families. The soaring dollar has made some super rich but many In jeopardy. People are dying from cancer in the pollution capital of Canada....BROVO!
    • 看来我要写篇"你们被骗了, 太阳其实是绕地球转的" 也能上导读.
      • BROVO.....
      • “今年气温下降”=”太阳绕地球转”? 您可比的上Gore的”凡是不同意人类产生的CO2是气温上升的原因的人都是否认战中屠杀犹太人”.Gore等人永远不能在正面辩论取胜,只能靠扣帽子来给自己壮胆.
        • 今年气温下降等于全球冷化??看过近五十年和十年的数据图吗???知道统计学怎么回事吗?
        • 我都懒得砸你, (反正会有人砸的). 我只想说, 让你上导读, 版主要么是真太蠢, 要么是想盖砖房, 争取点击,你觉得是哪种?
          • 同情!对任何不同观点就说成是愚蠢或是别有用心, 您是一个合格的Gore追遂者.
            • Whose 追遂者(by the way 追随者) are you? BUSH, HARPER or what?
    • Share your view, Al Gore is a hypocrite, asking others to live in basement apt, walk to work at -10 temperature, beat their clothes to dry, while himself traveling around world in private jet and motorcade,
      Use 30 times more energy at home than average family, and make millions by selling carbon credits to the riches. A typical 'do as I say, not as I do' liberal. It's a shame that such a person is awarded a Nobel plus an Oscar. What kind of world we are living in?
      • Very well said! Those lefties like Gore are quite disgusting. Nobel Award or Oscar would not change that. The honest people just have to keep on exposing their lies. After all, the world is what we make it.
        • The denial machines are lovely including Calgarian .....
    • 1. 你一直关注这个问题,应该知道"climate change" is a more precise way to describe the situation other than "global warming", which is kind of misleading. 2. 天气 weather 和气候climate的区别不用我解释吧?别跟我说今年下雪比去年多,所以气候越来越冷
      • 嗯,我最讨厌就是某些人总把环境和金钱挂钩。其实每个人都从小事去保护一下我们生活的环境,节约一些能源,关心一下地球,保护我们的下一代,又有什么那么难的
        • That's right. We can take some small, resonable steps to save energy, but also reject any dramatic steps that could significantly lower our living standard and economic growth
          If that's not enough to change global warming, just let it be. We can not fix death either. Beside, I am already a super-environmentalist comparing to Gore as I use only 1% of energy that he does
          • that's good.
        • 这不仅是钱的问题,这些钱对非洲很多人就是生与死的问题.这些钱本来可以用来救活因饥饿和虐疟而死的人. 节约能源是人人该作的事,但把几十上百亿的钱花在这个完全站不住的理论上而忽略了更重要的事上让人不解,而Gore从中饱赚则让人不能不怀疑.
          • 我不以为这些钱如果不用来防止气候的人为改变,就可以用到非洲人身上
            gore有三种结果,赚钱,不赚钱,不赚不赔。这个和防止人为气候改变的事情本身是否正确没什么关系。这家伙现在充其量不过是个比较成功的代言人而已。最近他走运,就多赚点了,当年他点背,就让bush jr 干翻了。

            • 你说得和Gore推行的无关.Gore作的恰恰破坏了对气候变化的研究,因为他们对任何和全球变暖上升冲突的理论都说成是伪科学.科学家们只有说气候变暖才能拿Funding.另外,人类毁于地震,火山暴发,冰川季和陨星的可能比气候变暖的可能性不小.为何只在气候变暖上花大钱?
              • 没有大作,在这是调戏为主.另外,也不齿Gore赚非洲儿童的救命钱.
                • 非洲的事不是靠Gore来救济能解决的, 硬扯到一起不地道.
              • 那你太愤世嫉俗了,为了funding改研究课题名称的多去了






    • 真的很可悲,居然不知道地球自身的环境温度是周期性变化的。从46亿年前分化太阳系以来,地球上的岩石记录了地球的温度曾有过多次的高低温变化,也就是冰期和间冰期的交替,这种变化的周期长的数千万年,短的数万年,是一种天体运动,和人类活动根本无关。
      • 大家都知道沧海桑田,就是这一现象的表现,人类只有几十万年的记录,智人不过万年,说人类活动改变环境,真是不知天高地厚,把自己看的太伟大了。提出CO2使地球变暖理论的人是另有企图的。
        • Yes, an Oscar, a Nobel prize, millions dollars profits selling 'carbon credits', while using 100 times more energy than average guy. That's really a juicy business for some people.
        • 哈哈,真是太可笑了。地球以前没有人,没有汽车,没有人往地下挖石油,没有人喝水;温度变化当然是属于自然;更何况,你要知道那些变化是通过多少年产生的?最近100年的变化你又有多少熟悉呢?为什么总有些人一定要否认人类行为对环境有影响呢?
          • 是啊,白垩朱儸时的巨大生物放个屁就顶得上现在的百辆汽车的废气了,人类不过是这个星球上的一个物种,包括其所有活动都离不开地球本身的运动规律,更不能改变地球自身的环境变化。
            • you are so funny
            • 本人对左派愤青们的智商和尊重事实的基本道德早不抱希望了.只是调戏取乐.这些事实愤青们只好华丽丽地无视了. 不过你写得这些对新来的移民很有好处,他们能知道这里也有人用高尚理想来骗钱, 所以他们能保护自己.
            • I don't agree, the moment human eyes fixed up on a star far far away in the galaxy, it was destined that human being is not on the same level as the species that this small planet has ever seen in its life time(4.6 billion years so far).
              we human being achieved the lifetime award in 10,000 years that took dinosaurs as long as 8 millions years and never been able to achieve. and we are still alive and kicking. To say human being is unable to change this planet is ridiculous, especially 60 years ago we were already able to and capable to destroy this planet 40 years ago. and that ability/access was controlled by just two small elite groups. all together less than 30 people.
              do the math, and don't even think we are just a specie in this planet. that is just not true. you can be humble to say that, but it is just not true any more. we have evolved far beyond of that.

              hate to interrupt, but just want to clarify a little bit.
              • 建议你最好阅读一遍由少儿出版社出版的丛书《十万个为什么?》
              • What you said might be true regarding to human race’s potential. When it comes to generating greenhouse gas, human activities are insignificant comparing with volcano, ocean evaporation and etc.
                • We might be able to destroy ourself many times, but still powerless in front of mother nature.
                  • I doubt that.
                    mark my words, in 200 years, human generation will be able to migrate to another star system. in less than 500 years, earth will be a new place from today what we have.
                    I think now human being is capable of surviving a comet crash, a massive virus outbreak, a flood on any scale and any major natural disasters earth have experienced in the last 10,000 years.
                    the same tragedy destroyed dinosaur will not mark the end of human being.
                    we have outsmarted the mother nature, we may still not be in control, but we are not powerless when facing mother nature. we should be pretty proud of ourselves.
                    the only thing that can stop or destroy us is ourself in the next 10,000 years.
                    • 即使人类引爆所有核武器,毁灭的只是人类自己,地球会毫无改变的仍在天体运行.
                      • 连人类都毁灭不了, 总会有幸存者. 不过当今有钱有势的人一定损失大了.
          • 真替你的无知伤心,没有人类数万年来天火照样年年烧毁大片的原始森林,数千年来地火仍然吞烧着无数的地下石油和煤层,喷出地表的火山数亿年来给大气增添了无数的CO2 SO2。人类的可怜活动放出的那一点点CO2真的可以忽略不计了。
            • 你可以说我无知;但你必须知道,没人人类的时候,地球无论放多少 CO2 出来都无所谓;但人类是不可能在以前那种生态环境下生存的。大家可以发扬表现事不关己,漠不关心的传统,因为本来我们这代就不受影响。


        • 地球上普遍存在着不同历史阶段的大量石灰岩地层(是碳酸盐混合物),只有大气中CO2的高含量,才能使海洋中的CO3-根离子过饱和与Ca+ Mg+等结合生成碳酸盐岩,那时连哺乳类还没出现。现在大气中的CO2的含量比那时低的太多了。自己动动脑子去想想吧。
          • 在伟大的祖国曾经有过打鸡血喝红茶菌的群众运动,大家都深信不移,结果呢?
    • 实际上历史记载有很多次气候变暖的记录, 中国明朝中期记载的气候有非常暖和。 人类当然改变了环境, 但要说能够改变气候那是胡说。 气候跟天体运行和地球内 核的变化有关。
    • CO2使全球变暖理论只是骗骗那些不学无术的政治流氓和不懂科学的牛仔。凡是认真上过中学物理化学的人都知道,地球表面70%的海洋是一个巨大的缓存器,大气中CO2的含量与水中CO3的含量和岩石中碳酸盐的保持着平衡,这个平衡与太阳活动有关。
      • 我感觉对这些科学讨论,愤青们只能面面相趋, 一脸困惑.等醒过来才大吼一声”你是和否定对犹太人大屠杀一样坏的家伙”.
        • 因此,称其为政治流氓。
          • 一针见血
      • 这个平衡与太阳活动有关, --- 这个平衡不只是和太阳活动有关
        • 地球上的全部能量来自于太阳,包括地球本身的放射性重元素也产生于太阳。
    • 本人政治立场中偏右。但人类行为影响自然无可辩驳,和政治立场无关。世人都知道,人类在短短几千年间,在多大程度上改变了地球表面的景观。简单的例子:几十亿的人口,还在膨胀,城市的建立和发展,灯光,农田,森林野生动植物的减少。
      自然界有其发展周期和规律。但人类就像a virus, a cancer of this world. We are not actually mammals. Every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with the surrounding environment, but we humans do not. We move to an area, and we multiply, and multiply, until every natural resource is consumed. The only way we can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet, we are a plague.

      我不能证明人类行为影响了气候,但和地球自然环境走向毁灭相比, 那又有什么关系呢?
      • Well said, agent Smith!
        • :)
      • 地球本身的海底扩张大陆漂移火山喷发,人类能该变吗?别把人类的那点渺小行为当成什么了不起的奇迹。整个一井底之蛙。就连小小蚂蚁还以为自己是地球的统治者呢。
        • 最后有个问题, 到底人类需要环保, 节约能源么?
          • 具体到个人来讲,当然干净的环境舒服。
            • 你说的是卫生问题. 我想知道具体到个人, 诸如需要把垃圾分类, 不浪费纸张等..需要特别注意么?
              • 你需要复习一下“物质不灭,能量守恒”的概念。
                • 熵增加原理更重要
        • As far as you can see, it is all humans around the surface of world, great changes are made. No one with a clear mind can deny that - a simple fact that we are changing the world.
      • 让我想起The Matrix 1 里的对白。这里是原话。
        I'd like to share
        a revelation that I've had...
        during my time here.
        It came to me when I tried
        to classify your species.
        I realized that you're
        not actually mammals.
        Every mammal
        on this planet...
        instinctively develops
        a natural equilibrium
        with the surrounding
        but you humans do not.
        You move to an area
        and you multiply...
        and multiply until every
        natural resource is consumed.
        The only way you can survive
        is to spread to another area.
        on this planet
        that follows
        the same pattern.
        Do you know what it is?
        A virus.
        Human beings are a disease,
        a cancer of this planet.
        You are a plague,
        and we...are the cure.
        • That's me - Smith
    • 等了一晚,也没等到愤青们拿出有说服力的东西.去睡鸟.本是为调戏而来,没成,却学了不少东西.
      • 你也是一个“粉青”?
        • A super loyalist of H&B....
          • Wrong. They are big boy who can take care of themselves. I have been following a ordinary girl in China with magnificent voice.
            • WOW… They are BIG BOY, not BOYs…. They are really Siamese. You must be L then.
        • 哈哈! Good one.偶不素粉亲.
      • 大侠, 首先要承认地球在变暖, 你用"proof of global warming"去 google , 看有多少结果. 给你提供几个. 不同的科学家从不同的角度去研究, 都证明了这点. 其次再讨论为什么变暖.



        • 争论的焦点是是否是人类活动引起的气候变化,进一步,Gore等人的作法是否正当.要了解的话最好去看两部片子, 一是Gore的IT,另一是”Global Warming, Great Swindle”, 如果还有兴趣, 看看Gore在参议院听证会上的录像.
          • 首先, 地球确实在变暖, 不是说今年雪下多了就说地球在变冷. 其次, 人类活动的确会对环境产生影响, 气候其实只是其中一方面. 退一步讲, 就算你不承认, 那宣扬环保, 减少废气排放, 难道不好吗?
      • 我觉得这种讨论很无聊,每个人在自己家里都会爱干净,节省用水用电,因为要交钱;不会乱丢垃圾,吐痰,因为会脏。可是地球就完全可以不在乎,好像他是一个聚宝盆,怎么用都无所谓
      • 你还调戏?
        • No but H&B. Brovo....
    • 还是一个左派和右派之争,的确没什么新奇。左派有时很幼稚,右派有时很激进。还是走中间路线吧。
    • 所有有文章只是在重复两个事实:1、地球近二、三十年来在变暖;2、人类排放CO2,可是,关于这两个事实之间的关系呢?从来没有一个定量的说法。外层空间和地球运行的变化也从来没有考虑

      Yes, You Can
    • 告诉你一个非常非常不幸的消息
      • 说明公众还是蛮好骗的。美国也有仇富心理,觉得钱多的肯定是坏人。比如石油公司。
    • 有没有人在中国农村长大?如果有你就知道人类的那一点点活动对环境的“轻微影响”还是很破坏性的。

      退一步说,相比较于太阳和地球本身对气候的影响,人类的贡献在全球来看确实是很小的。即使主要的气候变暖不是由人类活动引起的,人类也不应该无所作为。如果说现在地球所面临的是向上次冰川纪结宿后的Global Warming,人类是不是应该坐以待毙?这不符合人类的精神。照人类科技的发展速度,人类是有能力避免或减缓这样的灾难的。有兴趣的各位可以去NASA的网站看看科学家准备如何将来改造火星的气候。如果这样的科技可行,人类还是有机会避免灾难的。