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Don't be too harsh, they elected Bush because 1. They didn't think it's a good idea to change command-in-cheif when the country was in a war.

Don't be too harsh, they elected Bush because 1. They didn't think it's a good idea to change command-in-cheif when the country was in a war. 2. A lot of Americans are conservative, religious who like lower taxes and smaller government. Bush pretended to support these idea during election
while actually his government is more wasteful than ever. 3. They fell prey to Bush's scare tactic. During the election, Bush reminded American on 911 and issue
terror alarms on a daily basis, this tells the people: "Listen,only I can protect you, elect me if you want to live'. He is trying the same scare tactic, telling Americans: "Listen , if you don't pass the $700B bailout bill, the credit market will immediatelly freeze, and you won't get pay check next week, and will be evicted from your house unless you have the money to pay the mortgage in full.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 布什已经变成了一条野驴,想说什么就说什么,完全没有脑子。几个月前还坚持次贷危机不会影响美国的经济发展,几个月后却说美国经济到了危机的关头。这是一个国家的总统说的话吗?我说,布什是一条野驴,只会放屁。。。
    • 同意!!!!!!!!!!!
      • 同意,强烈要求换成胡哥,绝不放屁。
    • 反对
      • 同意!!!!!!!!!!! -zx0228(大城小爱); 19:35 (#4732431@0)
        • 版主把那些自作聪明的挑事帖子已经删了, 你还在这里炒冷饭。 没有与时俱进啊
          • No me YA. zx0228(大城小爱);
    • 蠢驴
    • He's very loyal though, to his and his daddy's friends. He can give up everything his country has as long as they are happy.
      • ........ he can give up his country as long as they are happy
    • 请不要这样比较。这样是对驴的侮辱
    • GOD save american.布十也要听上帝的.
    • 如果布什已经变成了一条野驴,那麽哈巴是什么呢?
    • 哈巴也说过类似的话,等着瞧。
    • 野驴不仅会放屁, 脾气也大的很, 小心踢你。
    • 我不住美国不了解,就是这头野驴,为什么美国人民让他连任两介。美国人民什么心气?说明他们1爱战争2爱减税3喜欢野驴放屁。
      • BRAVO. Some Harper's supporters are exactly the same.
        • 别跟着烂起哄,我说美国呢。
          • 难兄难弟, 打断骨头连着筋
            • 美国人相对老谋深算的加拿大人,文化低,纯朴,思想简单,容易轻信。老布就是滥用了这个信任,所以国会不再相信他的衰退威胁。
              • 美国是由大多数的傻瓜和极少数如布什般精明的坏资本家组成。
                • 布什这样的坏蛋,如果移民中国也至少是政治局常委。
                  • CAA, AAA, HAHAHAHA
      • Don't be too harsh, they elected Bush because 1. They didn't think it's a good idea to change command-in-cheif when the country was in a war.
        Don't be too harsh, they elected Bush because 1. They didn't think it's a good idea to change command-in-cheif when the country was in a war. 2. A lot of Americans are conservative, religious who like lower taxes and smaller government. Bush pretended to support these idea during election
        while actually his government is more wasteful than ever. 3. They fell prey to Bush's scare tactic. During the election, Bush reminded American on 911 and issue
        terror alarms on a daily basis, this tells the people: "Listen,only I can protect you, elect me if you want to live'. He is trying the same scare tactic, telling Americans: "Listen , if you don't pass the $700B bailout bill, the credit market will immediatelly freeze, and you won't get pay check next week, and will be evicted from your house unless you have the money to pay the mortgage in full.
        • 我其实就是问个问题。没有 intent to be harsh。我说了不了解美国嘛。楼主我记得是在美国,想听听说法。
        • Harper and his guys are always pretend to be an expert on everything.
    • 一位山东籍的语文老师,为学生朗读了一首题为《卧春》的陆游的古诗,要求学生听写出来。 语文老师朗读如下 :



      • 绝对正确. Reflection of BUSH and Harper.
      • Good listener :)))) What, what “bull shit”??? oh, you mean Bush…
      • NND, 这是我记得最快的一首古诗了
    • 你也没脑子. 好好在加拿大不干, 非要搬去蠢驴当头的地方.
      • 大环境和小环境的区别