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如果不知道问O8虾米问题, 就学会这首歌颂"伟大领袖O8"的歌,能保你平安.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 好怕怕, 米国大选, 普通老百姓Joe the Plumber就因为问了Obama一个问题,就被左翼媒体和O8的支持者们口诛笔伐,揭老底. O8的支持者们也太疯狂鸟.Mark Steyn特别写文为Joe鸣不平.
    • dont forget the suffer GOP administration brought to that country. rather than blaming the game changer, which BTW has a vast support base, we should really look at whats going wrong in the past 8 years.
      if that country is going far left this time, we can't blame Amerian people or Obama, the only one we can lay the blame should be G.W. Bush administration
      • 布什还是比较牛的,先是911,最后来个次贷引发的经济危机. 他现在能进前三了
      • Funny you said that. Watch the video, starts 2:40. I totally agree with the Canadian lady. It is obvious to me that things went bad in US after the Democrats took control of the congress.
        • well, whatever they say, whatever they want us to believe. I am not in a debating mood tonight. It seemed we cant blame the Dem to go to the war.
          • You can find the truth yourself.
    • joe自己不好,他那些问题明显是找茬
      • Your suspicion of his motivation cannot be used to justify the personal attack on Joe the Plumber. After all, he asked a legitimate question and it is his right to ask.
        • For his new biz, what he needs is an accountant not a lawyer.
    • Another article from Michelle Malkin, one extraordinary lady, "The Left Declares War on Joe the Plumber"
      • 查了半天, Joe的罪行如下"1. 他欠州税1000来块.2.他没有Ohio的Plumbing执照". 类似的是, Obama派了30个律师去Alaska查Palin的老底, 能挖出来的也就是"在办公室里放Tanning Bed", 多抱消了饭费云云. 不过虽然查不出虾米,也能警告那些准备问O8问题的人.
        • 如果不知道问O8虾米问题, 就学会这首歌颂"伟大领袖O8"的歌,能保你平安.
        • obama有钱,钱比老头多就是优势.今天的新闻是,obama spent several millions on games ADs. put ad in video games
          • 为富不仁还不如没钱.
            • 这话说得,obama的钱都是升斗小民10刀,20刀集起来的,看来你不太知道,obama竞选采用的网上捐款,发短信给支持者的做法都属首创.不过,加国大选你支持保守党,相对来说对共和党的感情要深一些,你的情绪可以理解
              • 我说的是他把钱花在雇人去挖Palin和Joe的老底上,尤其是Joe,不就是问了他个问题吗?就要把人搞倒搞臭,至于吗?
                • joe自己跳出来当新闻人物,当时这么多记者,不用obama挖,记者就直接把他祖宗8代查清楚了.美国大选很丑陋,很多tricks,不过不用obama出手就能把事情整明白.
                  • 问O8一个问题就是跳出来? 那问的多了, 为虾米媒体不去查别人的八代?
                    • 那是共和党的武器,你没看这两天共和党多开心. 所有的增税,减税,都是策略,对不同的人群,受益或受损程度是不同的, joe是自找的.
                      • 说Joe是共和党的武器,证据在那里.没有证据就能扣帽子?
                        • joe变成共和党的武器攻击民主党.你没看电视吧