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Not sure where do you learn that history? South Africa was once a prosperous country? Even after 6 years after the back took the power, in 2000, the average white household was earning six times more than the average black household.

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Some examples:
At the start of 2000, then President Thabo Mbeki vowed to promote economic growth and foreign investment by relaxing restrictive labour laws, stepping up the pace of privatisation, and cutting unneeded governmental spending. His policies face strong opposition from organised labour. South Africa is also the largest energy producer and consumer on the continent. South Africa is a popular tourist destination, and a substantial amount of revenue comes from tourism.[34] Among the main attractions are the diverse and picturesque culture, the game reserves and the highly regarded local wines.

The South African rand (ZAR), is the most actively-traded emerging market currency in the world. It has joined an elite club of fifteen currencies, the Continuous linked settlement (CLS), where forex transactions are settled immediately, lowering the risks of transacting across time zones. The rand was the best-performing currency against the United States dollar (USD) between 2002 and 2005, according to the Bloomberg Currency Scorecard.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / Obama makes history, and gets a very tough job. Good Luck!
    • Keep the promise; Save the economy; End the war; Health care; Energy; Education... most important, he need find the right people to help him and keep himself safe.
      • Good part is he has both Senate and Congress to help him.
        • This situation is bad, president, senate and law maker house are suppose to be ristricted each other, the solo power held by Democratics is no good for power balance, but nothing perfect, let's see。。。
    • 刚才看CNN的调查,目前有大概三千人参加了,有94%投票说相信OBAMA CAN.CBC今天的记者们也都比较EMOTIONAL,记者说CBC在美国的CHIEF CORRESPONDENT昨天到达CHICAGO现场,说从来没有见过那种情感,他同事回答说"I REMEMBER KENNEDY“。只有KENNEDY上台那次,


    • 刚才CNN也大量地介绍分析OBAMA太太,说她是第一个可以在公众面前赶到COMFORTABLE,可以自然讲话的总统夫人,因为她在哈佛的TRAINING,我觉得那样说是不公正的,人走茶凉,现在人们好象都忘记了HILLARY,她以前也是COMFORTABLE的,嘿嘿
      • 而且电视里面反复播放CHICAGO现场黑人民权家的镜头,他眼含热泪,哭泣,全世界都看到了,我想到前看UNCLE TOM'S CABIN里面的一些镜头,好象很多感慨,我完蛋了,这么EMOTIONAL,简直是
        • why call Tom Uncle and call us 兄长? Uncle too, ok?
          • 不敢呀,嘿嘿,刚才泡泡大哥才要我不要叫他兄长,说是叔叔才叫兄长,嘿简直是
            • you 泡泡大哥? should be 大哥 泡泡 you.....
              • 乱说
                • 就是呀,嘿嘿,觉得菠菜兄长的脑子里面很多YY,嘿嘿
      • Michelle Obama的能力是不可低估的。哈佛毕业的律师,医院Executive, 大选时已经可以独立办演讲。 4-8年后说不定可以实现Hillary的理想。
        • 我觉得她不会学HILLARY,她为了先生竞选,即使工资比先生高,还是辞职,在家里带孩子,帮助先生,嘿嘿
          • 她表示下一步主要是Family --- 现在她当然要这样说。 但是她有这个实力。加上8年的on-the-job-training, she might be the one to make another history。
            • 看到HILLARY的结果啦,好象还没有先生做了总统,太太以后也做了,不过GET OUR FINGERS CROSSED,嘿嘿
            • South Africa was once a prosperous country, the 'Shining Pearl of Africa'. Since Nelson Mandela, it elects black man after black man as Presidents, now it has a far worse economy, huge unemployment and crime rate,
              Now it becomes just another irrelevant African nation. The US will go down the same road if it does not learn lesson from history
              • Not sure where do you learn that history? South Africa was once a prosperous country? Even after 6 years after the back took the power, in 2000, the average white household was earning six times more than the average black household.
                本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Some examples:
                At the start of 2000, then President Thabo Mbeki vowed to promote economic growth and foreign investment by relaxing restrictive labour laws, stepping up the pace of privatisation, and cutting unneeded governmental spending. His policies face strong opposition from organised labour. South Africa is also the largest energy producer and consumer on the continent. South Africa is a popular tourist destination, and a substantial amount of revenue comes from tourism.[34] Among the main attractions are the diverse and picturesque culture, the game reserves and the highly regarded local wines.

                The South African rand (ZAR), is the most actively-traded emerging market currency in the world. It has joined an elite club of fifteen currencies, the Continuous linked settlement (CLS), where forex transactions are settled immediately, lowering the risks of transacting across time zones. The rand was the best-performing currency against the United States dollar (USD) between 2002 and 2005, according to the Bloomberg Currency Scorecard.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
                • A Warning to America from South Africa
                  • 我的理解是正好证明了一件事情。本来美国人是不关心政治的。但是这次那么多人投票证明了美国人同意布什错了,决定用自己手中的权利改正这一错误。是美国人自己的选择。以前大家不关心政治,那是社会的常态,如果太多人关心政治,这个国家一定是出了问题。
                    • The easiest thing to do is to blame the leader for everything that goes wrong in a country. The question is whether these are all Bush's problems or something outside of his control?
                      Whether these are all caused by Bush, or the root of the problems go back long before his term?Nobody bothers to ask themselves these questions. And since all problems are caused by Bush, replacing him with someone looks and talks total different will natually solve all the problems.
                      • 全部归咎为布什是不适当的。但是他当然责无可避。他是美国总统,美国社会中权利最大的人。全部寄希望与奥巴马也是不理智的。所以耐性的等待新总统的政策。持续批评。
    • 期望越高,失望越大