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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

你的结论是?你说obama和NDP一样,竞选时放屁而已?NDP 当不了权,纯属放屁,可是奥巴马已经准备把布什的开采授权取消了。当然谁也没能力“全改”,就是不知这一点点地改对经济有多大影响,石油可是敏感物资。

[zt] 奥巴马过渡班子的领导人波德斯塔在接受美国福克斯电视台周日节目的采访时表示,奥巴马将迅速更改布什政府下达的许多行政措施和命令,涉及胚胎干细胞研究、气候变化和其它一些领域。

波德斯塔提到,布什政府试图授权在犹他州开采石油和天然气的做法将被更改。 [zt]

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / Obama 在PRESS CONFERENCE多次强调“美国只有一个总统”,他尊重布什政权,他对自己的职权范围非常清楚,他知道自己在做啥。这一点又一次证明他的水平。
    • 听的时候以为他说的套话。看了刚才CNBC的分析才知道这家伙实在相当狡猾。一方面 push stimulus,最好他上任前出来,一边说国家只有一个总统。也就是说我给你定了方向了,具体Bush办。办得好,我提的建议,办的不好,是你Bush无能,Bush不办,我就借口太迟了
      • He can't do this for too long, no more excuse after January
        • He can always find some.
      • O8 is a guy who talk on talk. let see what he can do after Jan.
        • Based on his selection of old buddies into the new administration, things don't look too good.
          And the talk about giving money to automakers, so they can continue to produce cars that nobody is buying? There's no other words to describe it other than socialism. But, he might just get lucky, you never know
      • 嘿嘿,现在没人说他没经验了?
        • 说话狡猾就是有经验啊?默默无闻办实事得多了
          • 越高级的领导,说话就是他的工作。领导的作用就是鼓励他人甘心情愿地为他默默无闻地办实。
            • 你说的这是政工队,gcd军队里唱快板的。领袖光这个可不行,他要有判断力、决断的决心和责任感,因为全国大小事务最后拍板的理论上是他。如果拍错了,文革、二战就是前车之鉴。从o8在国会里为了不得罪人投的几百次弃权票、议员3年多2年多在搞竞选来看,他根本就不适合。
              • Yes, there's only one captain for a ship. If everybody tries to direct the ship his own way, it will sink. There can be no more 弃权票 after January
              • 这次选举并不是选一个有能力的总统,而是选一个有“伟大象征意义”的talk show符号
              • 政工队也属于默默无闻地办事的一类。你所讲的Present 票并不是在国会,是在州,那些议题没有足够的材料,不足以做出结论。决不是所谓“不得罪人“,连FoxNews都没说是这个原因。现在还说“他根本就不适合“?
                • 是啊,都当选了,所以“现在没人说他没经验了”,因为没用了。就别那这个说事了。
        • CNBC从来就从来没说过他没经验。Fox还经常提起。每个台的新闻倾向还是很明显的。CNBC的意思就是Bush不可能在卸任前有啥动作。因为和国会扯皮700B的钱就够忙了。希望Obama能把自己的想法说出来,大家投资者可以有点准备。
          但是Obama就是不说. 弄得CNBC有点郁闷。大家不怕什么新政,关键不能有uncertainty. Obama竞选时候画饼大家都理解,谁都这样.都选完了,你就把你的计划说出来吧. 减税还是加税,不要遮遮掩掩. 反正米啥影响.他不说,金融市场就不能稳定
          • 他不说 -- that's probably because he hasn't made up his mind yet. He was focusing totally on getting himself elected during the campaign, promised everybody everything just to get in there. Once elected, 'Oops what should I do next?'
            • well said
              • For MacCain it is well said, as if he were elected, he really don't know what to do next. Obama has lots of thing to do, he will be busy.
    • O8除了口才,组织能力也不错,也够厚黑。
    • 新闻上说他会阻止在美国本土钻眼打油,这个这个,不知对石油市场有没有影响
      • One more proof he's an left-wing idealist. He plans to throw $50 B to develop (unproven) solar energy while cancelling oil-drilling in the US. No idea how this can work.
        • If you only do those things have been proven, there will not be human being, you will be a monkey forever.
          • Yes, he can try socialism as well. China and Russia failed trying this doesn't mean the US will fail. And then we will have the Socialist states of America competing with capitalist Russia and China, how interesting is that?
            • Socialism? Seems MacCain's negative ad works for some people, at least they learned this word. But I don't think Obama is as stupid as these people.
              • Is it not socialism to give money to automakers so they can continue to produce cars that noboday is buying? Is it not socialism to spend huge money on solar, wind energy when they only produce <1% of energy need?
                Is it not socialism to spread the wealth around, take away money from the people who earn it and give to people who don't? If this is what Obama is busy at, it's no wonder so many people are scared.
                • Auto industry is the key to the US, if you let them die, you have to depend on foreign cars, just like you are depending on foreign oil now; and you lose the opportunity to create jobs. If you invest in new energy, it will not be only 1%.
                  If the existing tax system is socialism, then everybody is.... Yes, people are scared, but not Obama, actually, Obama is their hope.
                  • If US allow GM, FORD to die and US need beg Japan and Korean for vehicle supply if it want to wage next war. I will be more than Happy to see US will have bigger boss.
      • Obama的替代能源政策必将对石油的需求和价格赵成深远的影响。
        • 你不认识能源系统的人,NDP有人说他们上台了加拿大全改成风能+太阳能,系统内的人的评价是“纯属放屁”。现在的消耗靠石油、原子能以外的连加拿大都根本不够,或者是得不偿失,更别提美国老大了
          • 能源系统的人当然不希望这样,那样,他们的金饭碗可就不保了。
            • 能源系统公开说的那些当然也是放屁,可跟我听的都是私下的,人家就算保饭碗也不靠我,犯不上忽悠我。
              • 放P, 这个词好像不是很雅?
          • 你的结论是?你说obama和NDP一样,竞选时放屁而已?NDP 当不了权,纯属放屁,可是奥巴马已经准备把布什的开采授权取消了。当然谁也没能力“全改”,就是不知这一点点地改对经济有多大影响,石油可是敏感物资。
            [zt] 奥巴马过渡班子的领导人波德斯塔在接受美国福克斯电视台周日节目的采访时表示,奥巴马将迅速更改布什政府下达的许多行政措施和命令,涉及胚胎干细胞研究、气候变化和其它一些领域。

            波德斯塔提到,布什政府试图授权在犹他州开采石油和天然气的做法将被更改。 [zt]
    • Obama Losing Sleep Over New Job...
      Consider Obama’s response to a private national security briefing he received from the CIA during the campaign. Told of the multiple dangers around the world, he reputedly shook his head and asked: “Why would anyone want this job?”
    • O8 asks House leader Nancy Pelosi to request bailout for Big 3 automakers. So if it doesn't work, blame Pelosi and Bush, if it works, praise Obama.