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胡说:407ERT is sold in 1999. 1999年的时候是自由党政府。Chrétien is a Canadian politician who was the twentieth Prime Minister of Canada from 1993, to 2003。

胡说:1999年的时候是自由党政府。Chrétien is a Canadian politician who was the twentieth Prime Minister of Canada from 1993, to 2003。 407ERT is sold in 1999.
As part of a controversial plan to finance revenue for tax cuts, the highway was sold to a conglomerate of private companies in 1999 for $3.1 billion. The deal included an unprecedented 99-year lease agreement, unlimited control of the highway and its tolls. The government also may not build any nearby freeway which might potentially compete with 407; however, the Government maintained the ability to build a light transit system along the 407 right-of-way.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 联邦政府要卖CN Tower了,把公共财产卖给财团,然后再补贴给银行家们,小帐算得明明白白的。再这么折腾下去,他们离下台也不远了。
    • 最典型的例子就是407,当时就是保守党卖的
      • 胡说:407ERT is sold in 1999. 1999年的时候是自由党政府。Chrétien is a Canadian politician who was the twentieth Prime Minister of Canada from 1993, to 2003。
        胡说:1999年的时候是自由党政府。Chrétien is a Canadian politician who was the twentieth Prime Minister of Canada from 1993, to 2003。 407ERT is sold in 1999.
        As part of a controversial plan to finance revenue for tax cuts, the highway was sold to a conglomerate of private companies in 1999 for $3.1 billion. The deal included an unprecedented 99-year lease agreement, unlimited control of the highway and its tolls. The government also may not build any nearby freeway which might potentially compete with 407; however, the Government maintained the ability to build a light transit system along the 407 right-of-way.
        • 407是安省的财产,是安省保守党政府卖的。
        • 晕菜。407 ETR是安省政府的。当年安省保守党贱价出租给私人公司99年,还签署了很多有利于对方的合同。结果导致民怨沸腾,在随后的大选被赶下台。
      • 联邦和安省是两码事。让你给高晕了。
      • 当时这个老兄就在安省政府里头混,学会了很多高招。
        • Are you crossing the floor?
    • 谁买啊?收入那么少,维护费那么高。这每年多少CAPITAL RETURN,得负数了吧。拥有者也就要个名,拥有着曾经世界最高塔,现在还不是最高了。407被macquarie拿下,现在不也是作为吹嘘的本钱么。
      • 央视的广告公司买下,挂上五粮液和茅台的巨幅广告。
        • 读类似。。。
    • 难得清醒
    • 为何不卖TTC?
      • TTC不是联邦政府的资产。
      • TTC应该是BOTH PROVINCIAL AND MUNICIPAL的,以前有议员提议把TTC完全私有化,被否决,因为如果私有化,好多人少的但又必须的路线会被砍掉,嘿嘿
        • 忽悠吧。