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You should live in an animal kingdom instead of a civilized human world.

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Try to put a human face on and look at the fact: the parents are here because they would like to stay close to their children, and Canada respects this demand by approving them to immigrate, and providing the resources so that they could enjoy their life here. I don’t see there is anything wrong here.

As a tax payer I respect other people’s RIGHT to live happily. People in this country pay tax so that the blinds can get a guide dog for free and receive their benefits from the government to live a decent life; so that we could have sick kids hospital and the facilities for the elderly; so that the parents who choose to stay close to their children can live a decent life too.

We are human because we don’t move forward and leave the kids, seniors and the sick people behind. Human right is not something that we only talks about. It means sacrifice so that everyone would have a fair chance to enjoy their life.

Living in this country, you should at least learn two important things for your own good: SHARING and RESPECT.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 枫下家园 / 金秋年华 / 老人房租金如何计算
    • 你就交二三百一个月吧?这里可真成了社会主义,大家应该把老人都移来。国内哪能和这里比,那里多少人,这里有多少。
    • 多谢分享。不过,您老是从计划经济时代过来的,应该还记得国内单位的住房都是按需分配的。有的工程师,级别已经很高了,因为没有结婚,就只能住单身宿舍。
      • 不是设计师那个级别的吧。别说总设计师了,俺们市领导,都住在市府大院的别墅里。
        • 市领导有没结婚的吗?
          • 市领导的儿子没结婚,可是连孙子的房子都有啦。
        • 一个村书记说“不贪钱我当干部干什么?”堪称最诚实的共产党员。凤凰台曾议论为什么中国人爱撒谎,不撒谎不乱了么。
    • 请问你们在哪个区申请的?等了多长时间?谢谢。
    • 不要贬低国内。加拿大早晚步希腊后尘除非大家同意无休止加税。我知道有国内老人到这里没交过税但享受老人屋同时领取1800加币的情况,我常想这钱是谁付的。
      • 所以TTC员工要抱怨: 做的那末辛苦,还被人挤兑薪资. 人比人啊...
        • 加拿大的福利制度,早晚让楼主这样的老蛀虫吃倒闭.
          • 老人家也就是在这里善意地分享一下他所知道的信息,不感谢就起码请闭嘴。对老人说这样的话太过了。
            • 如果老人不自觉,为啥不能说老人?我知道很多移民老人都是国内一份退休金,这里一份,国内医保卡存钱,这里看病取药免费,拿着双份福利,还报着不要白不要的心态申请福利房,甚至有些人申请后自己还和子女住,把房子拿去出租,这种行为不应该受到斥责吗?
              • 还能把福利房出租,那太过分了.
            • 明明他女儿担保他的生活,已经白白享受了医疗,将来的退休,还要与低收入者让纳税人掏钱的廉租屋.还要到网上炫耀, 中国老人的廉耻,都掉到地沟里了.再次证明了那句不中听的名言, 老而不死, so called 贼.
              • 请不要骂人,但不得不同意很多国人(不独指老人)在家是好父母,好夫妻,好儿女,但在公民社会中却缺少责任,付出太少,其实索取也不太多(对比其他族裔部分人),但大众更关注贡献时,国人总体比较寒碜.其实本地人付出多,得到的更多...
              • 这是名正言顺的福利制度, 别说得那么难听. 中国来的老人们比起那些难民还是强多了. 那些难民正当壮年,却跑来加拿大领难民金,怪不得整船整船的呢
          • You should live in an animal kingdom instead of a civilized human world.
            本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Try to put a human face on and look at the fact: the parents are here because they would like to stay close to their children, and Canada respects this demand by approving them to immigrate, and providing the resources so that they could enjoy their life here. I don’t see there is anything wrong here.

            As a tax payer I respect other people’s RIGHT to live happily. People in this country pay tax so that the blinds can get a guide dog for free and receive their benefits from the government to live a decent life; so that we could have sick kids hospital and the facilities for the elderly; so that the parents who choose to stay close to their children can live a decent life too.

            We are human because we don’t move forward and leave the kids, seniors and the sick people behind. Human right is not something that we only talks about. It means sacrifice so that everyone would have a fair chance to enjoy their life.

            Living in this country, you should at least learn two important things for your own good: SHARING and RESPECT.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 请问老人来的时候子女 不是都牵了担保协议的吗? 这住房属于最基本的生活条件。十年内政府补助了,政府出的钱不是还会让子女 出的,会向子女 要回的吧?
      • nobody know?
      • 即使政府补助了部分房租,但子女还是担保老人每月要有一定数目的生活费,据此才算出房租的自付部分。因此,政府补助那部分,是不会再要子女出的,也没有见到如此相应的规定。可参考,谢谢!
    • 这位老人很诚实,报了国内的收入。绝大多数中国老人在加拿大隐瞒国内的退休金。更有甚者,有子女已照顾老人为名,申请双室老年公寓,连子女也住进去享受政府的补贴。
      • 借帖子问一下老人房如何申请,特别是什么时候申请,到底是老人移民成功后,还是申请期就可以申请。我怎么听说很多人老人还没批下来就开始申请排队了。谢谢。
        • 请访问: http://www.housingconnections.ca/Default.asp 谢谢。
          • 这是廉价屋, 不是老人房!
    • 有必要吗?毕竟也是钱,和子女住一起,享受亲情;把廉租房让给更需要的人吧。
      • 当然,如果这是你的小辈要求你去做的,也没什么话好说的。
        • 有的老人喜欢独立。小辈一般是顺着老人的。
    • 请问那里可以申请到老人房?谢谢
    • 请问一下, 您国内退休金报税后需要提供任何证明吗?
      • 无需证明
    • 从递申请到接到通知批准共等了多长时间?
      • 五年左右