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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 今晚你觉得谁的表现好?
    • 大家都没有新的说道,半斤八两。此外Duceppe英语不是很流利。
      • 确实如此,各人都保住了各自的core base,但都没能很好的招呼正在摇摆的人群。尤其是Mike Iggy,2个小时的辩论至少花90分钟攻击Harper,这样对本来自由党的拥护者自然受用,但对中间选民还是缺了阐明自己的platform.
        • MIKE 表现不错。完全不是哈啵攻击性广告的形象。
          • those negative ads did more harm to the party that made it than to the party it attacked....but the fact that most of the time it was those three opposition leaders attacking Harper, it actually made Harper stand out..
          • 他表现的,太象一个大学教授。
    • 可圈可点的是Jack Layton。Mike表现最差。想当执政党就应该提出自己的观点,而不是一味攻击别人。看来还是继续当反对党比较合适。Jack Layton则从左右两边都得了一些分。
      • Yep.. Layton 是个老油条了,打击两边,显出NDP是个alternative to the Liberals.
      • 这没什么可奇怪的.JACK LAYTON没有执政的包袱,尽管他口口声声要当总理,讲话当然就可以随心所欲点.敢讲一点大实话.
    • 感觉自由党的Mike表现好点,Harper显得有点低调,应该会失分.但想起自由党就知道加税,至今我还对健康税耿耿于怀,所以虽然觉得保守党也不怎么地,但还是想投它,摇摆不定ing...
      • actually I thought it did Harper more good that he maintained his coolness during this debate when all three opposition leaders were attacking him.. at least no one will think he looks scary
        • 但Mike强调的民主自由,用Harper两次关闭国会,不允许不同政见人士参加其聚会,以及对国会说谎,对Harper还是有很大杀伤力的
          • if this means i will have to go to the poll station every other year, i will think about it..
            • I would rather vote often than having a dictator or control freak in power that follows suit of the U.S. and brings Canada to a very dangerous position. We don't need a foreseeable 911 happens in Canada.
        • 不错。我以前一直都只投自由党的票。但昨天看了辩论后, 觉得只有Haper才适合当选。其它三个没有合适的政刚,也没有领袖的风度。
      • Federal选自由党,provincial选PC
      • 有一点可以肯定,如果自由党上台,这个国家的走向会有很大的不同。如果你还算满意status quo, 就选保守党;如果你不满意,you have a choice to make.
        • 减税比较现实,民主自由现在不是紧要任务,所以准备投PC
      • 如果你把联邦选举和省选绑在一起,当然就纠结了。对我而言,联邦选自由党,省选选保守党。
    • 第一次听到Jack Layton的声音,比想像中要好
      • 我认为,从领袖的个人魅力角度讲,JACK LAYTON 是Pierre Trudeau 之后最有魅力的一位。可惜,他的党,最好也就是反对党的命。
        • same idea!
    • Harper's government = the most closed and secretive administration in Canadian history. 再让他组个majority 政府, 那加拿大成什么了?
      • KGB
        • Or if not worse. Harper is diminishing a democratic society. It’s sad to see that many people are happy to be fooled around and poisoned by $100/month. He uses we taxpayers’ money to keep himself in power. He does nothing but being a control freak.
          • agree, Harper is nothing but a good-looking liar
    • 1. Haper 2. Layton 3. Ignatief 4. Duceppe
    • 辩论中的话真真假假,看看CBC的Reality Check吧:
    • 到目前为止,the Globe and Mail poll showed 40% vs. 33%, on Rolia it was 24 vs 8 认为Harper表现好些,Rolia上看来右派多一些嘛。
      • 不管辩论怎么样,俺还是选....
        • 不管选谁都不会选他。骗子,作假,坑人... "Conservative campaign worker asks for 'ethnic costumes' at Harper photo-op”