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2-year-old male cat is peeing on my daughter's bed TWICE! Ask for solutions

He is a very big cat, and was behaving very well in the past 2 years. We can stand his long hair all over the place, his loud meowing for a girlfriend..., the vet cost, the crazy scratches on the couches, however, peeing in bed smells horrible and gives the whole family a big headache. In the past 7 days, it has happened TWICE on my daughter's blanket.

What has gone wrong? I did not sleep well last night because of this. He peed again quietly and secretly in the bedroom and I smelled it and could not sleep... (sigh...) First thing is to block him from bedrooms. What else could be happening? All cat-lovers, please feel free to share me with your ideas/solutions. Many thanks!

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 宠物乖乖 / 孩子想养猫,但我不知道猫会不会损坏家具,损坏房屋.有什么要注意的吗? 谢谢!
    • 有人送猫,好像挺乖的
    • 和人一样,猫和猫的性格是很不同的,我养过的那么多只,只只不同。现在的这只巨乖。
    • 可以养,但一定要阉了
      • 2-year-old male cat is peeing on my daughter's bed TWICE! Ask for solutions
        He is a very big cat, and was behaving very well in the past 2 years. We can stand his long hair all over the place, his loud meowing for a girlfriend..., the vet cost, the crazy scratches on the couches, however, peeing in bed smells horrible and gives the whole family a big headache. In the past 7 days, it has happened TWICE on my daughter's blanket.

        What has gone wrong? I did not sleep well last night because of this. He peed again quietly and secretly in the bedroom and I smelled it and could not sleep... (sigh...) First thing is to block him from bedrooms. What else could be happening? All cat-lovers, please feel free to share me with your ideas/solutions. Many thanks!
        • 公猫发情就是这样的.狗狗这方面好多了,不会在家里乱尿.
    • 猫自理能力很强,买个磨爪的基本没问题了,当然跑跳中不小心SCRATCH木地板或者家具还是难免的
      • 我家养狗,地板也坑坑洼洼的,骨头,nylonbone什么的,一掉一个洞。
    • 给你看我家从Costco买的皮椅的惨状。要有思想准备。还有所有动物都要大小便,生病会呕吐。猫好收拾,会到指定厕所大小便,但是便后你要清理litter。当初和LP吵,就是她说隔一两天清就行了,我不同意,问她人拉屎攒满了一两天冲一次你受得了么?协议每天倒两次,她一次我一次


      • 可不是。父母不会因为要给孩子换diaper觉得脏,不会因为孩子缠而觉得烦,因为从心底里是喜欢孩子的。养猫和养孩子一样,猫会吵人睡觉,搞坏家具,有猫毛,会拉会吐,这都避免不了的,也是养猫众多乐趣里的之一。没有这种喜爱的程度,还是别养的为好,给自己,给猫都带来烦恼
    • 挑个纯种的猫,脾气会好点
    • 家具可能会损坏,这要看猫咪性格了。但是如果给猫咪买磨爪子的纸板或猫架的话,一般就懒的抓了,我家猫咪小时候抓沙发扶手,那时候不懂,后来朋友推荐猫抓板和猫爬树,买了后就再也懒得碰我们沙发扶手了,估计猫抓板更解痒。养动物可以培养孩子的责任心和耐心。