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Canada’s dairy industry is a rich, closed club

So you want to be a dairy farmer?

You buy a plot of land and a few dozen cows.

Then, you try to sell your milk to neighbours or maybe the local grocery store.

Not so fast. That’s prohibited. Canada’s dairy business – now the target of Canada’s trade rivals in the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade talks – is one of the most closeted industries in the country.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / Canada’s dairy industry is a rich, closed club +1
    So you want to be a dairy farmer?

    You buy a plot of land and a few dozen cows.

    Then, you try to sell your milk to neighbours or maybe the local grocery store.

    Not so fast. That’s prohibited. Canada’s dairy business – now the target of Canada’s trade rivals in the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade talks – is one of the most closeted industries in the country.
    • 加拿大的奶制品质量是绝对有保证的,包括对奶牛的管理,价格控制等。所以最价平的牛奶质量都是很好的。这对于我们生活在加拿大的人们来说,是很好的事。等那天我们被美国奶制业给和谐了,就只能买高端有机奶来安慰自己了。
      • 这个想法是不是有点天真
        • 搞基要花钱的 +1
          • 我不歧视搞基的,但搞基的天生左翼,喜欢搞大政府。所以你硬要说搞基花钱,也勉强说的通
            • 不要这么勉强嘛,花点钱你破产不了
      • IMHO, Canada, USA, Australia, and New Zealand, all have similar quality control on dairy products. Americans care their lives too.
    • As long as I keep getting my 4L bag of milk for 4 bucks, I have no complains at all. I hope they include telecom into the trade talks, that’s where the big bucks are. +2
      • Such price does not exist in BC. 4L is $6 here.
        • I guess that’s because the dairy industry is heavily concentrated in Quebec and Ontario per the article, move to the east coast. :) +1