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【保守党支持自由拥有枪支吗?】给五道口等希望了解实情的同学。答案肯定是:NO, 保守党不是支持自由拥有枪支。五道口同学等误会了。

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Liberals oppose Conservative gun bill

Instead of ramming this bill through as-is, we are encouraging the government to split C-42 in order to help expedite the acceptable measures through Parliament.

November 26, 2014

OTTAWA – The Leader of the Liberal Party of Canada, Justin Trudeau, today issued the following statement on Bill C-42:

“The Liberal Party of Canada feels strongly that Bill C-42, currently before Parliament, contains aspects that will put Canadians’ safety at risk.

“First, it eliminates the need for owners of prohibited and restricted firearms to have a transportation license to carry those guns in their vehicles. This means they could freely transport handguns or automatic weapons anywhere within their province, whether to a grocery store or a soccer field.

“Secondly, it would take the power to classify firearms out of the hands of the police – the experts in keeping Canadians safe – and put it in the hands of politicians like Stephen Harper. And it would allow those decisions to be made without Parliamentary approval or oversight.

“We think Canadians will agree that this is wrong.

“That said, we support several elements in this legislation. We agree that there should be a streamlining of licencing paperwork, that safety training requirements should be tightened, and that we must make it harder for those convicted of domestic offences to obtain a firearm.

“Instead of ramming this bill through as-is, we are encouraging the government to split C-42 in order to help expedite the acceptable measures through Parliament.

“We will not bring back a gun registry, but we do need smart and well-crafted gun control legislation. In its current form, C-42 is neither; instead, it makes Canadians less safe.

“That is why the Liberal Party of Canada cannot and will not support this bill.”更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

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  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 【保守党支持自由拥有枪支吗?】给五道口等希望了解实情的同学。答案肯定是:NO, 保守党不是支持自由拥有枪支。五道口同学等误会了。
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Liberals oppose Conservative gun bill

    Instead of ramming this bill through as-is, we are encouraging the government to split C-42 in order to help expedite the acceptable measures through Parliament.

    November 26, 2014

    OTTAWA – The Leader of the Liberal Party of Canada, Justin Trudeau, today issued the following statement on Bill C-42:

    “The Liberal Party of Canada feels strongly that Bill C-42, currently before Parliament, contains aspects that will put Canadians’ safety at risk.

    “First, it eliminates the need for owners of prohibited and restricted firearms to have a transportation license to carry those guns in their vehicles. This means they could freely transport handguns or automatic weapons anywhere within their province, whether to a grocery store or a soccer field.

    “Secondly, it would take the power to classify firearms out of the hands of the police – the experts in keeping Canadians safe – and put it in the hands of politicians like Stephen Harper. And it would allow those decisions to be made without Parliamentary approval or oversight.

    “We think Canadians will agree that this is wrong.

    “That said, we support several elements in this legislation. We agree that there should be a streamlining of licencing paperwork, that safety training requirements should be tightened, and that we must make it harder for those convicted of domestic offences to obtain a firearm.

    “Instead of ramming this bill through as-is, we are encouraging the government to split C-42 in order to help expedite the acceptable measures through Parliament.

    “We will not bring back a gun registry, but we do need smart and well-crafted gun control legislation. In its current form, C-42 is neither; instead, it makes Canadians less safe.

    “That is why the Liberal Party of Canada cannot and will not support this bill.”更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 我尽量找了一个简化版的,你容易理解的版本,那就是自由党反对保守党这个枪支法的条款。请看一下。
      “First, it (保守党) eliminates the need for owners of prohibited and restricted firearms to have a transportation license to carry those guns in their vehicles. This means they could freely transport handguns or automatic weapons anywhere within their province, whether to a grocery store or a soccer field.“
    • 我刚才看了他写的, 也有疑惑, 我记得拥护枪支, 是自由党的政策. 当时小特还对记者说, 枪支文化是加拿大文化的一部分, 因为他从小就和他爸的警卫一起玩枪.
      • 这是加拿大,不是美国,哪个党敢讲自由拥有枪支,哪个党死翘翘。
    • 自由党支持保守党枪支法案里的部分:
      ”“That said, we(自由党) support several elements in this legislation(保守党之枪支法案).

      We agree that there should be a streamlining of licencing paperwork, that safety training requirements should be tightened, and that we must make it harder for those convicted of domestic offences to obtain a firearm.“

    • 其实买把枪挺容易的,包括手枪,只要没犯罪记录,再去上个学习班就行了
      • 如果美国同学比如CAA先生等同学听到了你说加拿大有枪容易。会笑你的。 +1
    • 【特别提请船头等同学注意】今晚别吃晚饭了。罚你们。
      ” 保守党!自由拥枪不是很好吗。 -xiangcaosh(船头); 15:54 (#9689371@0) +1“

    • 天啦,拜托你把那几小段文字看清楚了。无语了都
    • 翻译一下吧,自由党反对的c-42提案内容主要是两项,1。限制级武器(手枪,自动武器)不需要运输执照,可以带在车里自由运输。2 把武器分级(是否限制级?)的权利从警察手里拿走,不再需要议会批准,政客就可以定义武器分级。
      • 建议每人发一把机关枪,扛在肩上,然后社会就安宁了,警察也不需要设立了,全社会就达到战略平衡。政府的低保必须包括买枪钱,这样人才能活的有尊严