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发给议员的email供参考: REQUEST: Extend Deadline to Resettle Syrian Refugees, and Conduct Screening Properly

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛REQUEST: Extend Deadline to Resettle Syrian Refugees, and Conduct Screening Properly

Dear Mr. XXX / Ms. XXX,

I'm a Canadian citizen residing in XXXXXX. Please help to convey my message to the Parliament of Canada.

I strongly suggest that our government extend the deadline of the resettlement of the 25,000 Syrian refugees, and that we conduct the refugee background check and screening thoroughly.

As we all know, on November 13, 2015, a terrorist attack in Paris has left over 132 innocent people dead, hundreds wounded, this has shocked everyone of us! What is more disturbing is that, more and more evidence surfaced, showing that some of the attackers came to the country with disguises as refugees -- and there's even a Syrian passport found beside the two suicide bombers!

This has left people like me getting more concerned over our government's decision to bring in 25,000 Syrian refugees into Canada by the end of 2015.

Please don't get me wrong, I'm proud that I'm a Canadian, and that we Canadians are always willing to help those people who are less fortunate.

However, between now and the end of the year, we have only 45 days left. I'm very concerned, as I'm afraid by bringing in so many refugees within such a short period, we might not be able to conduct adequate screening and background check of the refugees. I think this will seriously compromise Canada's national security and our community safety. Even if 0.1% of the 25,000 self-claimed refugees turned out to be terrorists, that'd be too much!

What happened in Paris last weekend shall be a wake-up call for everyone! I hope Mr. Justin Trudeau and the government can realize that, no matter how eager we are willing to help, we shall do the right thing, we shall take responsible measures, to ensure the safety of Canadians, and the refugees that we are to help!

Also, there are numerous other Canadians who feel the same way. For your information, in the following link, you can see one of the online petitions with the same request, and the number of supporters keeps growing:

Thank you!

Best Regards,

123 Street Name,
City, Province <Postal Code>更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / 仅靠签名还不够,我已经给所在地区的 MP 写了 email。还可以将同样内容写给总理办公室,链接在此: +1
    • 顶!各位不必为英语水平而有任何顾虑 ,可以用最简单的语言表达自己的意愿。请注意政治正确 -- 同其他加拿大人一样,我支持帮助难民,但希望政府不要草率,应该做好难民背景调查,防止恐怖份子混进来。
      • 渥太华有个华人写了封英文公开信,允许转用转发,可以做参考。
        • 这个比较激进,要停止接收难民并加强打击ISIS,两个都不可能的。另外,加国接收难民是一贯的,停止接收是站不住脚的。应该是要求接收难民的时候加强背景调查。
          • 我觉得作为个人信件不需要过于吹毛求疵,发出去就是表明一个公民的态度。又不是法庭上~ +2
            • 所以尽量自己写,10000华人抄一封信,就假了。
          • 可以做个范本删改,原作者也不要求完全同意他的观点,只是给中级英语的同胞写信提供一个框架,抄抄改改,文责自负就好了。
      • 这才是正经事,天天一帮人在这个论坛骂骂咧咧的根本没用。
      • 要想达到好的效果,必须简化和降低诉求。如何参加打击ISIS很大程度上取决于国际关系考量,我们应该focus在加强难民安全检查的process上,才有胜算。 +1
        • 同意!
        • 别忽略一封信的作用,也不用过高估计一封信的作用。目标就是要他们收到成千上万这样的信,对 2015 年底接受 25000 难民 think twice。 +1
    • 看到63楼比较幽默 “建议给土豆写信的同时,给美国总统也写一封,告诉Obama加拿大接受25000人的难民后,混在难民中的恐怖分子一定通过漫长的美加边界进入美国,并对美国实施恐怖袭击。 加拿大是美国的附属国,美国总统说话比咱们小老百姓管用。” +3
      • That makes sense!
        • 早就建议封锁边境了。不知道温哥华那边好处理不?
      • 估计最直接的后果就是从加拿大入境美国会更困难了。以前只要驾照,现在要看护照。
    • 各位,刚在网上发信给总理办公室,贴在此地供参考。注意事项: Subject选Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism, 长度2000字符以内,填写真实姓名和地址
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Dear Mr. Justin Trudeau,

      I strongly suggest that our government extend the deadline of the resettlement of the 25,000 Syrian refugees, and that we conduct the refugee background check and screening thoroughly.

      As we all know, on November 13, 2015, a terrorist attack in Paris has left over 132 innocent people dead, hundreds wounded, this has shocked everyone of us! What is more disturbing is that, more and more evidence surfaced, showing that some of the attackers came to the country with disguises as refugees -- and there's even a Syrian passport found beside the two suicide bombers!

      This has left people like me getting more concerned over our government's decision to bring in 25,000 Syrian refugees into Canada by the end of 2015.

      Please don't get me wrong, I'm proud that I'm a Canadian, and that we Canadians are always willing to help those people who are less fortunate.

      However, between now and the end of the year, we have only 45 days left. I'm very concerned, as I'm afraid by bringing in so many refugees within such a short period, we might not be able to conduct adequate screening and background check of the refugees. I think this will seriously compromise Canada's national security and our community safety. Even if 0.1% of the 25,000 self-claimed refugees turned out to be terrorists, that'd be too much!

      What happened in Paris last weekend shall be a wake-up call for everyone! I hope Mr. Justin Trudeau can realize that, no matter how eager we are willing to help, we shall do the right thing, we shall take responsible measures, to ensure the safety of Canadians, and the refugees that we are to help!

      Thank you!

      Best Regards,

      There are numerous other Canadians who feel the same way. For your information, in the following link, you can see one of the online petitions with the same request, and the number of supporters keeps growing:
      https://www.change.org/p/justin-trudeau-extend-resettlement-of-syrian-refugees更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 各位可以到下面的链接里找到你所在选区的联邦议员PM的姓名,点击姓名即可看到联系方式,可以同时给他/她们发信
      • 发给议员的email供参考: REQUEST: Extend Deadline to Resettle Syrian Refugees, and Conduct Screening Properly
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛REQUEST: Extend Deadline to Resettle Syrian Refugees, and Conduct Screening Properly

        Dear Mr. XXX / Ms. XXX,

        I'm a Canadian citizen residing in XXXXXX. Please help to convey my message to the Parliament of Canada.

        I strongly suggest that our government extend the deadline of the resettlement of the 25,000 Syrian refugees, and that we conduct the refugee background check and screening thoroughly.

        As we all know, on November 13, 2015, a terrorist attack in Paris has left over 132 innocent people dead, hundreds wounded, this has shocked everyone of us! What is more disturbing is that, more and more evidence surfaced, showing that some of the attackers came to the country with disguises as refugees -- and there's even a Syrian passport found beside the two suicide bombers!

        This has left people like me getting more concerned over our government's decision to bring in 25,000 Syrian refugees into Canada by the end of 2015.

        Please don't get me wrong, I'm proud that I'm a Canadian, and that we Canadians are always willing to help those people who are less fortunate.

        However, between now and the end of the year, we have only 45 days left. I'm very concerned, as I'm afraid by bringing in so many refugees within such a short period, we might not be able to conduct adequate screening and background check of the refugees. I think this will seriously compromise Canada's national security and our community safety. Even if 0.1% of the 25,000 self-claimed refugees turned out to be terrorists, that'd be too much!

        What happened in Paris last weekend shall be a wake-up call for everyone! I hope Mr. Justin Trudeau and the government can realize that, no matter how eager we are willing to help, we shall do the right thing, we shall take responsible measures, to ensure the safety of Canadians, and the refugees that we are to help!

        Also, there are numerous other Canadians who feel the same way. For your information, in the following link, you can see one of the online petitions with the same request, and the number of supporters keeps growing:

        Thank you!

        Best Regards,

        123 Street Name,
        City, Province <Postal Code>更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net