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以下是多伦多市六个不同市政厅公众咨询会的地点,房间号,日子, 及时间。

多伦多市政厅, 一月十二号,上午九点半及下午六点。 Toronto city hall, committee room 1, 200 queen street west, January 12, 9:30 am and 6 pm

世佳宝市政厅, 一月十三日, 下午三点及六点。 Scarborough civic centre, council chamber, 150 borough drive, January 13, 3 pm and 6 pm

东约克市政厅, 一月十四日,下午三点及六点。 East York civic centre, council chamber, 850 coxewell ave. January 14, 3 pm and 6 pm

伊桃碧谷市政厅, 一月十二日,下午三点及六点。 Etobicoke civic centre, council chamber, 399 the west mall, january 12, 3 pm and 6 pm

北约克市政厅, 一月十三日, 下午三点及六点。North York civic centre, council chamber, 5100 yonge street, january 13, 3 pm and 6 pm

Y约克市政厅, 一月14日, 下午三点及六点。 (这不是STEELES以北的约克区,而是我们多伦多西边一个区)York civic centre, council chamber, 2700 eglinton avenue west, January 14, 3 pm and 6 pm

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 【多伦多的同学们:请注意, 请参加2016多伦多市政预算公众咨询会】打开连接,先熟悉一下2016多伦多预算草案。
    • 其次,请浏览一下多伦多预算委员会商讨预算草案的日子,流程及讨论项目。
    • 1. USER FEE 公众咨询会, 地点在多伦多市政厅2号房,日期是1月11日周一, 晚间6点。
      【User fee town hall meeting】

      City hall, committee room 2, January 11, 6 pm

      讨论议题: Information session on the user fee policy and any proposed fee increases above inflation. No deputations.
    • 2.预算公众咨询会将于一月12, 13, 14日(周二,三,四)在多伦多不同的市政厅展开。如果你要参加,请电邮到buc@toronto.ca 登记,或电话416-392-4666 登记。登记截止于一月11日周一午间12点。 请注明你参加咨询会的地址,日期及时段。
      Make a public presentation at one of the budget subcommittee meetings on January 12, 13, 14, 2016.
      Register by email to buc@toronto.ca or call 416-392-4666 before 12 pm on Monday January 11. Indicate your choice of location, date and session
    • 以下是多伦多市六个不同市政厅公众咨询会的地点,房间号,日子, 及时间。
      多伦多市政厅, 一月十二号,上午九点半及下午六点。 Toronto city hall, committee room 1, 200 queen street west, January 12, 9:30 am and 6 pm

      世佳宝市政厅, 一月十三日, 下午三点及六点。 Scarborough civic centre, council chamber, 150 borough drive, January 13, 3 pm and 6 pm

      东约克市政厅, 一月十四日,下午三点及六点。 East York civic centre, council chamber, 850 coxewell ave. January 14, 3 pm and 6 pm

      伊桃碧谷市政厅, 一月十二日,下午三点及六点。 Etobicoke civic centre, council chamber, 399 the west mall, january 12, 3 pm and 6 pm

      北约克市政厅, 一月十三日, 下午三点及六点。North York civic centre, council chamber, 5100 yonge street, january 13, 3 pm and 6 pm

      Y约克市政厅, 一月14日, 下午三点及六点。 (这不是STEELES以北的约克区,而是我们多伦多西边一个区)York civic centre, council chamber, 2700 eglinton avenue west, January 14, 3 pm and 6 pm
    • 如果你没时间亲自参加会议,可以写电邮给buc@toronto.ca ,或者寄信到多伦多市政厅: Toronto city hall, 100 queen street west, Toronto on m5h 2n2 (attention: budget committee, 写明给预算委员会)
      Send your written comments to the budget committee at buc@toronto.ca or mail to Toronto city hall, 100 queen street west, Toronto on m5h 2n2 (attention: budget committee)
    • 或者直接电邮给你那个区的市议员。如果不知道你的市议员是谁,请打311,告诉你的邮编,接线员会告诉你市议员的尊姓大名。
      Email to your local city councillor。