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Note that Canada is getting awfully close to the level at which America’s housing bubble topped out at in 2006. Whether compared to past booms and busts, or the most recent U.S. bubble, Canadian real estate prices look dangerously elevated.

The past week saw the “Is There A Canadian Housing Bubble” pendulum swing decidedly toward the No camp. First, economists at TD Bank made the case Toronto’s market isn’t significantly overvalued, and that price growth will cool gradually over the next few years. Then BofA Merrill Lynch argued the housing market will experience a “measured unwind” and that “the Canadian housing market is built on stone, not sand.”

Finally, Will Dunning, the chief economist at the Canadian Association of Accredited Mortgage Professionals, set out to dismantle the oft-cited claim that the price-to-rent ratio in Canada is 88 per cent higher than its long-term average. His conclusion: “house prices in Canada are under-valued (relative to interest rates and rents) by as much as 20%.” But...


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  • 枫下茶话 / 工商经济 / A chart to put the Canadian housing bubble in perspective
    • Note that Canada is getting awfully close to the level at which America’s housing bubble topped out at in 2006. Whether compared to past booms and busts, or the most recent U.S. bubble, Canadian real estate prices look dangerously elevated.
      The past week saw the “Is There A Canadian Housing Bubble” pendulum swing decidedly toward the No camp. First, economists at TD Bank made the case Toronto’s market isn’t significantly overvalued, and that price growth will cool gradually over the next few years. Then BofA Merrill Lynch argued the housing market will experience a “measured unwind” and that “the Canadian housing market is built on stone, not sand.”

      Finally, Will Dunning, the chief economist at the Canadian Association of Accredited Mortgage Professionals, set out to dismantle the oft-cited claim that the price-to-rent ratio in Canada is 88 per cent higher than its long-term average. His conclusion: “house prices in Canada are under-valued (relative to interest rates and rents) by as much as 20%.” But...

      • 泡破已经现在进行时了,和卡尔加里一样,多伦多也开始跌跌不休了
        • 要是一个国家的经济萧条,货币贬值,理性投资者不会来投资房地产,本国的都会跑,所以去年资本以最快速度流出加拿大。谁都不傻,尤其是真的有钱人更不容易被忽悠。用脚投票的结果说明了一切。
    • 加拿大房子不仅风险大,回报还特别不好。"加币今年暴跌 算一算:买房竟然还赔了!这意味着什么呢?加元兑美元的下跌幅度大于了大多地区平均房价的上升幅度,giantbass (浮沉) (#9842935@0)"
    • 按房价收入比,房价租金比,多伦多泡沫不小。 +1
      • 泡泡越大,裂得越开!