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专业应该是指以下的问题, 不大懂,什么是LAYCAN? 多少立方是一吨?真的要去过磅出数据?请解释如何操作..谢谢了.

In order give you an answer, need to know (as minimum) the following:

1.- cargo qtty, packing, weight and stowage factor (how many cbm need for one mton or how many cbm is one mton.)
2.- Laycan.
3.- Port of loading / dischg and rate of loading / dischg, max age, LOA, max draft allowed and if Loading dischg will be carried out by vsl's or shore cranes bss SSHINC (Saturdays, Sundays, Holidays are included) or Not.
4.- If Vsl needed should hv cranes/derricks, need to know lifting capacity
5.- Who the shipper and receiver will be, who will pay the frt/demurrages and when.
6.- What kind of charter party, B/L etc, will be used.
7.- If the frt will be bss FIOST or not ???
8.- If the 25% of the ttl frt per shipment can be paid in advance and ballance after loading and sign B/L.
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  • 坛子有这么多的货代, 有知道怎样订散货船(2-3W MT)的吗? 直接找船东都没有回复. 谢谢!
    • 这种货,如果你不懂租约,不用术语询盘,相信没几个公司回复你,因为散货船的洽租太专业了,而且一旦开谈都是至少十几,几十万的生意,没有相关的背景,很难让对方认真考虑你。一点建议仅供参考=paul
      • 专业应该是指以下的问题, 不大懂,什么是LAYCAN? 多少立方是一吨?真的要去过磅出数据?请解释如何操作..谢谢了.
        In order give you an answer, need to know (as minimum) the following:

        1.- cargo qtty, packing, weight and stowage factor (how many cbm need for one mton or how many cbm is one mton.)
        2.- Laycan.
        3.- Port of loading / dischg and rate of loading / dischg, max age, LOA, max draft allowed and if Loading dischg will be carried out by vsl's or shore cranes bss SSHINC (Saturdays, Sundays, Holidays are included) or Not.
        4.- If Vsl needed should hv cranes/derricks, need to know lifting capacity
        5.- Who the shipper and receiver will be, who will pay the frt/demurrages and when.
        6.- What kind of charter party, B/L etc, will be used.
        7.- If the frt will be bss FIOST or not ???
        8.- If the 25% of the ttl frt per shipment can be paid in advance and ballance after loading and sign B/L.
        • Frank, 您好。关于2-3 W MT的租船问题,您贴里的只是最的基本内容,如果
          是自己手上有货要出,可以PM交流一下;如果是别人问您,您再问大家,做成的机会很小. 一点不成熟的个人之见,请考虑。= PAUL