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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

TitusWong(Lic.CustomsBroker) I can only answer your import part. If you are importing goods for

business. You will need to open up a company. There are no differnece in duty & GST between private and commercial. The differnce is if you are a private. You will need to pay PST also and the GST that you paid. You cannot claim it back thru input tax credit. And if customs thinks the goods you bring in are for commercial purpose (for sale). They can refuse to clear until you get a company set up. That is to cure the underground economy. The things you mentioned does not required special permits or requirements. However, If the goods are packed in a wooden box or packed in straws. Fumigation is needed. Make sure the fumigation cerificate bears a IPPC stamp and that each and every box that were fimigated are stamped with the number that is identical to the certificate or the shipment will be turn back. NO EXCEPTIONS. For specific duty on the items. You can call or e-mail me for their duty rate. Hope this help you. Good Luck.
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  • 请教贸易高手几个一直困惑的问题。 还请知道的大侠或版主帮忙答复。跪谢!
    请教贸易高手几个一直困惑的问题。 还请知道的大侠或版主帮忙答复。跪谢!

    1. 如果是以私人身份,可否自己直接从国内中生产商拿货到加拿大来卖?
    2. 从国内办理出口通关手续,是否可以自己办理还是必须得通过外贸公司来做?
    3. 大致的出口报关是怎样的一个过程?比如说是否就是订好货,等货交付并等待运输出关前,去办理出口报关?
    5. 在加拿大进口报关时,是否可以以私人身份而不是以公司的名义?有什么区别?
    • 没人气吗?斑主,知道的大侠帮帮忙呀?
      • TitusWong(Lic.CustomsBroker) I can only answer your import part. If you are importing goods for
        business. You will need to open up a company. There are no differnece in duty & GST between private and commercial. The differnce is if you are a private. You will need to pay PST also and the GST that you paid. You cannot claim it back thru input tax credit. And if customs thinks the goods you bring in are for commercial purpose (for sale). They can refuse to clear until you get a company set up. That is to cure the underground economy. The things you mentioned does not required special permits or requirements. However, If the goods are packed in a wooden box or packed in straws. Fumigation is needed. Make sure the fumigation cerificate bears a IPPC stamp and that each and every box that were fimigated are stamped with the number that is identical to the certificate or the shipment will be turn back. NO EXCEPTIONS. For specific duty on the items. You can call or e-mail me for their duty rate. Hope this help you. Good Luck.
      • 1.可以,营业额30000以下,在加拿大不需要注册公司. 2.需要有进出口权,请一家国内的报关行和贸易公司帮你搞定 3.是
        • 4.有些有限制,瓷器和木制品目前没限制,除非是古董 5.都可以,personal的要交现交PST和gst,commercial的只要gst 6.没 7.中国出口250----2000RMB,加拿大进口30----200不等
        • TitusWong(Lic.CustomsBroker) Justin, I will have to say your answer is incorrect on No.1. If your business is under CAD$30,000 You don't have to do input tax credit but you still need to register a company.
          • you are right, i make a mistake
            • no problem.