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  • 关于CEHPEA评估
    • 新东西唉,哪位兄弟姐妹给扫盲?
      • 之前看到坛子里有姐妹提起过,咋没人帮忙呢
        • 关于Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE)考试
          姐妹们有没有参加过这个考试的,CNO说A series of mock client examinations in a clinical setting.是不是就跟在医院里工作一样啊,就模拟的.还说要考4小时,姐妹们有经验的给支支招吧,现在是一头雾水,都不敢去考了.先谢谢了!
    • I did the trial exam. I did the trial exam.
      It consists 12 clinical situations, and may be more in the real exam. They give you a couple minute to read the instruction outside the door. Then you enter the room, there is the actors or actress to play a scenario. That you have a few minute to read the questions in front of the staff member. After you answer the question, you will move to another room with different situation.
      • 这不是医生考试嘛?
        • 那次测试二小时12个不同场景,演员们演得很象。如果4小时,题目可能更多。
          • 嗯?跟CNO有一毛钱关系没?
          • 后来呢?
    • 我朋友收到信,也要参加这个什么CEHPEA评估,国内正宗大学护理本科毕业的,CNO是不是想到这是赚钱的新招了?多交200大洋啊。
      • 貌似和医生考试一样,整出临床实践考试。就是增加难度,保护当地毕业生
    • 妹妹1月30日去考,有没有近期去考的?如果考不过会怎么样?谢谢!