保守党移民部长计划把2011年的父母移民削减25%:internal documents reveal that Kenney is planning on slashing parent and grandparent visas by more than 25% in 2011.
-iron(swim, bike & run);
自由党说将恢复家庭移民的原有比例:"Ignatieff Vows To Overturn Harper Tories Changes To Family Reunification" - Ignatieff says his government will once again make the family class immigration proportionate to overall immigration.
-iron(swim, bike & run);
是吗?还装糊涂? 根据统计,2006年至2009年,家庭团聚申请案的降低,实际上仅发生在亚洲国家的申请案上,4年内的批准数就下降20%,但其他国家例如欧、美、非、中东等国却呈增加状态。” by bigjoe (月黑风高) at 2011.4.10 17:45 (#6613829@0)
-thornthorn(Holy Moly);